
Павел Сумрак


Sofiya Kolokoltseva 21 September 2023

Ещё до личного знакомства, я знала Пашу заочно и следила за его путешествиями. Когда он написал, что приезжает во Владивосток и попросил принять его, я обрадовалась возможности познакомиться лично.
Паша вежливый и аккуратный гость и очень интересный человек с разнообразными увлечениями. Рекомендую каждому в качестве гостя!

Планировал остановиться у Софии и Алексея на трое суток, посетив сначала несколько бухт на севере и на юге от Владивостока, но из-за того, что к Соне приехала наша общая подруга и из-за непоняток с размытыми дорогами и мостами, мы с подругой провели у нее шесть ночей! Несмотря на то, что путешественники и путешествия – это все по части Сони, Алексей спокойно отнесся к тому, что мы задержались дольше, чем планировали и общался с нами не меньше Сони. Раза три он готовил вкусный ужин на всех и это было бесценно, так как сил на готовку не оставалось после поездок/походов по окрестным красотам.
Соня нам очень помогала с планированием каждой следующей поездки, потому что посетила большинство живописных мест Приморья и может подсказать, как построить интересный маршрут любой протяженности и сложности. Жаль, что из-за напряженного графика она не могла съездить с нами куда-то, погулять по городу или поплавать на сапбордах.
Так как Соня сама много путешествовала автостопом, с ней можно обсудить особенности этого вида передвижения и крутейшие из посещенных мест. Она любит как поговорить, так и послушать, и посмотреть снимки из поездок.
У Сони с Лешей чистая однокомнатная квартира с креслом-кроватью для гостей в большой прихожей, на кухне живут африканский ежик Кактус и черепашёнок Шифер. В комнате большой книжный шкаф, содержание которого отражает личность Сони, и там очень много книг, которые хотелось бы почитать.
Автобус почти от дома до центра Владивостока ходит часто, ехать минут 10-15 с красивыми видами по дороге.

Павел прекрасный собеседник, реально интересуется историей региона, который посещает. Веселый и интересный.

Наталья спасла мою поездку в Магадан, потому что другие хосты не отвечали или отказывались. Причем спасла не только меня. Она приняла по "горящему запросу" пару путешественников перед моим приездом, которые заняли спальное место, которое изначально предназначалось мне, но, если бы я отказался спать на полу, Наталья позаботилась о том, что ребята или я могли пойти к другому хосту. В итоге мы классно жили втроём сутки, и хозяйка разрешила готовить и есть всё, что было в холодильнике )
Посоветовала пару нетипичных достопримечательностей, научила правильно мыть кружки :)

Pavel is a very kind and hospitable host. He was very flexible with the date of our arrival and he made a lot of time to spend with us and show us around the less touristy places. He even cooked for us. Thank you very much for your time and hospitality Pavel! :)

Zuzana and Joseph are very nice guys! :) They are intelligent and adventurous, sporty and talkative in a good way, self-dependent and happy with little comfort like true travellers (sleeping on the floor or in their car for example). I'd like to have more friends like them :)

Efilippo (❤️ surf a CS) 31 January 2023

Павел живут за городом, транспорт ходит чётко по времени. Любит готовить и удивил тортом со свечками на мой День Рожденья)

Лена - приятный улыбчивый собеседник, который любит и послушать и рассказать о своих приключениях в путешествиях и в обычной жизни, которая у нее очень насыщенная. Непривередливая в быту и в еде, помогает мыть посуду, беспорядок не разводит. Исключительно приятные впечатления! :)
Lena is a pleasant, smiling girl who loves to listen and to talk about her adventures in travel and in her ordinary life, which is full of events and emotions. She is not picky in everyday life and in food, helps to wash dishes, does not make a mess. Totally pleasant experience! :)

Mariya Sh (❤️ surf a CS) 27 December 2022

Привет, я написала Павлу просьбу принять моего друга Itefaq Ahmat from India. Павел быстро ответил, принял приглашение и позже прислал адрес, визит прошел отлично! Мой друг был очень рад посетить Павла.
Я очень рада, что на Земле есть такие добрые и отзывчивые люди, как Павел!💝❤️
Спасибо большое, надеюсь поехать к вам сама!;)))
Hello, I wrote to Pavel asking to host my friend Itefak Ahmat from India. Pavel responded quickly, accepted the invitation and later sent the address, the visit went great! My friend was very happy to visit Pavel. I am very glad that there are such kind and sympathetic people on Earth like Pavel!💝❤️ Thank you very much, I hope to visit you myself! ;)))

Ahmad It (❤️ surf a CS) 18 December 2022

I am glad to meet pavel they gave me full guidance about where you should go in Murmansk city, so I really liked it.and he is a good photographer I would definitely like to come again 😊🥰

Ahmad is unusual Indian guy. He acts like a European, and his English is not poor and fully understandable. He is very flexible and does his best not to disturb you. If you want to talk, he can talk for hours, if you need silence, he is silent. But beware of his snoring at night if you gonna sleep in the same room with him :) Ahmad was my first couchsurfer from India and it was a pleasure to meet him.

Pavel stayed with me in Zlatoust for a few days before my own trip. I was already a little hurrying up, and besides, he wasn't the only guest at that time, so we didnt have time to talk much, but I liked what it was.

Pavel is an excellent guest, pleasant and easy-going to communicate with, he has a good sense of humor. But best of all, he's a great traveler! Not superficial, but very... Inquisitive. I would like everyone to be as immersed in the places they visit as Pasha.

I still watch his page and see how many interesting places he finds. It's so cool! I wish we could conversate more and maybe someday become travel companions 😊

Good roads and people! Come and visit again!

Sonya is the best hostess in Zlatoust and one of the best ever! :)
For the convenience of using the house, she send out videos about what things and how they can be used to everyone in advance . For a self-made tour around the city and nearest mountains, she wrote for every couchsurfer a guidebook with several routes. I have never seen such a thorough approach!
Due to my long walks around the city and Sonya's preparation for departure, we spent quite a bit of time together, but it was enough to appreciate her kindness, caring, openness and warm solar vibes :)

Павел вежливый и комфортный гость, которого хочется принимать у себя ещё и ещё! Он путешественник-автостопщик с большим опытом, которого интересно послушать, который вдохновляет и мотивирует на познание для себя новых горизонтов. Советую каждому познакомиться и пообщаться с Павлом!

*Спасибо тебе за знакомство и за то, что гостевал в моем доме. My door is always open for you! Надеюсь, что наша встреча не последняя🙏🏻.

Катя - очень приятный человек и хост. С ней интересно общаться на любые темы, начиная с автостопа, заканчивая мировой политикой :) И не просто болтать, а узнавать новое, т.к. Катя - очень умная девушка! А в сфере культуры и искусства - почти готовый специалист, поэтому классно, что она согласилась сходить со мной на Ночь в музее.
Катя просто и быстро, но вкусно готовит и отдает сладости к чаю, потому что сама старается их не есть )) Нечасто можно встретить такого открытого, доброго и простого в общении человека, который готов помочь всем чем может!

He is kind, knowledgeable and friendly guy. I stayed one night at his house. We talked a lot about Murmansk and he told interesting stories. He is experienced in making his own flavours of tea by gathering it on the local hills.

Jalal was my first guest from Uzbekistan and he proved my good opinion about uzbeks, that I had in my hitchhiking trip in Uzbekistan. Jalal is kind, polite, smart, calm and friendly. We spent together only evening, night and morning, he is good listener and speaker, foreign languages lover (Japanese and French). It was nice to meet him.

Pavel helped me a lot when I visited Murmansk. We never met face to face, but he gave me good information to catch the northern lights.
Thank you for your help, I hope we can meet one day. 🙏

Pavel is a great guest. He is tidy, polite and has a good sense of humor. It was nice to spend these two evenings together, enjoying herbal tea (thanks for it), board games and a pleasant talk. Couchsurfing, implemented in such people, is wonderful! Pasha, you're always welcome!

Павел - отличный гость! Аккуратный, тактичный, с прекрасным чувством юмора. Было здорово провести два вечера за чашкой ароматного (спасибо за травы :) ) чая, настольными играми и приятными беседами. Каучсерфинг, проявляющийся в таких его участниках, прекрасен! Паша, приезжай еще :)

Татьяна с мужем Павлом задали своей доброжелательностью тон всей моей поездке по Крыму! Они любят поговорить и послушать, интересуются другими регионами и странами, интересно рассказывают об истории и особенностях современной жизни в Крыму. Подсказали лучшие места в Симферополе и других городах, устроили микро-соревнования по настольным играм, которые я люблю также, как Татьяна - мастер спорта по настолкам ))
На ночь Татьяна с Павлом поставили в прохладной гостевой комнате обогреватель для меня и одежды, которую нужно было высушить к утру.
Очень приятная пара, с которой советую познакомиться путешественникам со схожими интересами.

Паша потрясающий хост! Очень дружелюбный, аккуратный, заботливый и ответственный. С ним интересно обсуждать практически любые темы, особенно путешествия и фотографию, а еще у него отличное чувство юмора. С удовольствием встречусь снова и жду в гости у себя :)

Мария провела со мной три дня и три ночи и проявила себя как образцово-показательный каучсёрфер :) Вовремя говорила и вовремя слушала, вовремя готовила и мыла посуду :) Кстати, это были великолепные блинолади (pancakes), для приготовления которых Маша все купила сама. Она вообще оказалась самостоятельней, чем я думал. Нашла все интересные места, которые я советовал посетить и даже не замерзла, гуляя (пока я работал) почти по колено в снегу, так как грамотно подготовилась к экспедиции в Заполярье :) Скромная на первый взгляд девушка любит экстремальные ощущения типа прыжков с парашютом, купания в ледяном Баренцевом море и сноубординга, ездила автостопом по Европе, так что у неё есть чему поучиться ;)

Паша не только дал мне приют, но еще и показал наиболее важные достопримечательности города. Я планировала остановиться на две ночи, но в итоге планы поменялись, и я провела в Мурманске только 1 вечер и половину дня. За это время мы успели поискать ночью северное сияние, а днем - обойти самые must have места города и даже посетить две выставки. Как выяснилось, Паша журналист и знает обо всем, что происходит где-то в Мурманске, поэтому у меня был просто персональный окей-гугл в новом городе)) Мне еще никогда не было так тоскливо уезжать из места, в котором я провела менее суток. Обязательно вернусь еще в Мурманск, возможно даже для того чтобы устроить здесь свою выставку, а Паше огромное спасибо и удачи в путешествиях :)

I have no idea why Marie have been laughing from the very first moment we met till the very last second =) But I like it! :) It seems we had much in common and a similar sense of humour. Actually she came to Murmansk just to buy one thing for her lovely bicycle, but she failed this mission, and I forced her to visit must see sightseeings at least };> And she liked it =) The most surprising facts about Marie is her super frost resistance and ability to eat a little, ha-ha! And, okay, boring part.. she brought something eatable with her, washed dishes, bought a bun for me in cafe and was incredibly nice in general :)

Это был долгий путь. Я должна была приехать на несколько дней раньше и безумно благородна Паше, что он подождал меня, да ещё и ужином накормил)
Гостить у содержательных людей- всегда удовольствие, поэтому эти два дня пролетели очень быстро. Мне не пришлось ломать голову над культурной программой, блуждать по незнакомым улицам Мурманска, ведь Паша позаботился и об этом. Спасибо за время и за гостеприимство, удачи тебе во всем!
That was a looooong way. I was supposed to come to Murmansk several days earlier and I'm extremely thankful to Pasha for having enough patience, I also owe him for his cookery masterpiece that I truly enjoyed.
I didn't have to get puzzled with hangouts as Pasha gave me a bunch of beneficial tips. And I was never bored in the evening as we had truly engrossing conversations.
Thanks a ton for your time and hospitality, good luck, dearest!

Интересно было послушать о первом опыте зимнего автостопа у Насти, о поездке во Францию, о её дискуссионном клубе с философскими темами на английском языке. Приятно было, что она, как и я, интересуется искусством (мы сходили в галерею) и нетуристическими местами (по моему совету съездила на противоположный берег Кольского залива).
Если кому-то интересны бытовые аспекты, то дома Настя вела себя аккуратно, вещи не разбрасывала, посуду мыла, спала тихо =)
It was interesting to hear about Nastya's first winter hitchhiking experience, about her trip to France, about her discussion club with philosophical topics in English. It was nice that she, like me, was interested in art (we went to the gallery) and non-tourist places (on my advice, she went to the opposite shore of the Kola Bay).
If someone is interested in everyday aspects, then at home Nastya behaved carefully, did not make a mess, washed dishes, slept quietly =)

I didn’t get the chance to stay with Pavel, but he he was still so courteous and kind in providing the information we needed. He’s very knowledgeable and ready to help 👍🏻

Паша помог нам с ночлегом в Мурманске, накормил, напоил вкусным чаем и пригласил сходить на две выставки современного искусства местных художников. Очень интересно провели время за разговорами о путешествиях. Паша рассказал о местах Мурманска, которые стоит посетить. Очень приятный человек!

Вика с Арсением гостили у меня 2 дня и произвели приятное впечатление в меру авантюрных молодых людей приятных в общении и скромных. Особенно тихостью отличалась Вика ) Хотя общительность у нее тоже прокачана, она ее использует только, когда уместно и нужно. Можно было бы назвать её образцом тургеневской девушки, если бы она хотя бы для приличия отказалась спать с двумя парнями на одном диване ))

Павел принял меня и мою подругу у себя дома во время путешествия по Кольскому полуострову.

Дом находится в классном - живописном месте Мурманска, откуда за 10 минут можно добраться до местных природных красот.

Дома уютно, чисто и опрятно. Паша накормил и уложил спать с дороги усталых путешественников, а наследующий день показал город. Плюс научил готовить новый веганский салат!

Перед выездом посоветовал несколько потрясающих воображение мест для будущего посещения.

Хостом доволен. Павла рекомендую, как отличного товарища для совместного времяпровождения!

Артем приехал ко мне с Олей, которая принимала меня в гостях, когда жила в Батуми. Как я мог отказать в ночлеге этим милым невоинствующим веганам? Артем привез с собой лучшую в мире арахисовую пасту, выпущенную в его родном Кирове и душистых трав для чая с юга. Вместе с Олей рассказал о том, как правильно выбирать сухофрукты и вести праведный экологичный здоровый образ жизни ) Эта закалённая парочка мыла посуду за собой даже в холодной воде, не подавая виду, что это дико неприятно. И без претензий мылась с помощью кастрюльки с горячей водой и мерного стаканчика, так как горячую воду отключили. Немаловажно, что во сне никто из них сильно не крутился, так как спали мы втроем на одном диване! )) И спасибо, что покормили местных комаров; они теперь меня почти не достают =)

Rose Xu (❤️ surf a CS) 24 January 2020

Pavel is my surprise in Murmansk. He did help me a lot. He makes me live like a local in Murmansk. And he is very very funny, we always laugh with each other. He makes my Murmansk trip very very special and I will come back to bother him again haha.

Rose is very curious person! She spent with me 5 evenings (in daytime I work) and this staying was the longest and one of the best in my couchsurfing experience. Rose was acting like we are friends from the first minutes. That's why she was balancing on the edge of politeness sometimes but I am not arrogant and patient enough for her misbehaving and jokes ) Even if she laughs too much, eats too much, talks too much or does something ridiculous, she is nice or even charming with her innocence ) And she filled my fridge with food by the way and then cooked something like soup with noodles, sausages, meatballs and fish )
Rose is more complex than she looks. She is very good in English, she's engineer working with Apple and she's very sensitive regardless of her behaviour.

He served me very much for three days.
The first sunrise of Murmansk, which he took me to see, will be an unforgettable memory.
Спасибо большое!!

Mizuki agreed to stay with me for 3 days despite I had almost no time for walking around with him. I gave him advices about the best sightseeings and places, pointed them on GoogleMap and he managed to visit them by himself. So we spent only 3 evenings together. Since Mizuki speaks English a little and know few words in Russian, he usually used to give me short reports about his walks and ask some questions about food, weather and the Northern lights. Generally we didn't communicate much but he was always friendly and the silence wasn't tense at all. Following the house rules Mizuki drank russian Vodka somewhere outside my house and wasn't drunk on his return :) Before saying last goodbye he was so kind that presented me beautiful Japanese paper fan and 100-yen coin.

Знаете, бывают такие люди, которые очень спокойные, но при этом интересные, настоящие, живые. Именно таким и запомнился мне Павел в эти дни. Он принимал сразу пятерых гостей, спали кто где мог и при этом всем было комфортно.
Нам было очень интересно, приятно и уютно.
Впрочем самое главное, что стоит сказать, это то, что благодаря Павлу мы справили новый год в чудесном месте, которое запомниться нам на всю жизнь, именно он дал нам идею, контакты прямо перед нашим выездом в Териберку и поменял все наши планы, за что мы ему очень благодарны.

Konstantin is both vegan and hitchhiker professional level since he managed to come in Murmansk from Nizhniy Novgorod by hitchhiking in winter and cooked pink vegan bliny (pancakes) during his staying at my home. He with his girlfriend are true couchsurfers. They brought fun and some food with them and bought some later, used to help me to keep my kitchen clean and made no problem despite lack of space for sleeping (I had another 3 couchsurfers the same time). Konstantin is adventurous, brave and open for new experience. He with her girlfriend took an ice bath in the Murmansk lake and the last night he decided to sleep inside the bathtub :) Before departure Konstantin and her girlfriend presented me little nice gift :)

дни для написания отзыва на Каучсёрфинге проходили, а у меня всё не получалось подобрать слова. в последний момент хаотично, но искренне:

я благодарна.

за то, что приютил нас, неопределённых, у себя дома на 3 дня, проводил с нами время, гулял в поисках сияния, угощал, был терпелив, внимателен и заботлив по отношению к каждому гостю (нас двое + ещё трое). за то, что подарил возможность отпраздновать Новый Год в избушке с Еленой. за умение выслушать и принятие. за открытки и чай, что ты нам подарил.

я была рада встретить тебя.
спасибо тебе за всё, Паша.

p. s. миссия Ждуна (что очевидно) ждать. поэтому много-много и счастливо путешествуй, чтобы давать ему скучать!

Nastasya is very nice and cute girl, vegan beginner level and hitchhiker professional level since he managed to come in Murmansk from Nizhniy Novgorod by hitchhiking in winter with her boyfriend! :) They stayed with me for 3 days, bought some food, Nastasya used to help me to keep my kitchen clean and helped her boyfriend to cook pink vegan bliny (pancakes) for us. Last day of staying they presented me little nice gift :) Nastasya seems calm and modest but she is also adventurous and brave. She agreed with enthusiasm to share my little 1-room flat with another 3 couchsurfers and then took an ice bath on the lake with them together!

PSHIN (❤️ surf a CS) 09 January 2020

We were needed emergency host in Murmansk and Pavel kindly invited us (me and two young brothers). We stayed at Pavel’s home just one night however it was so helpful! He told us plenty of interesting things about Murmansk and near region. Next morning he shared breakfast with us and wish good luck. 🙂🙂. thanks Pavel!!

Dmitriy and his brothers spent with me only one day. That's not enough for knowing people of course. What can I say for sure is they are adventurous since rent a car for trip to Murmansk region from Moscow. And then drove to Teriberka despite the road may be closed next day. Also Dmitriy is friendly and helpful. When he knew I haven't been snowboarding in Khibiny mountains 2 years already he suggested me to go with them at once. Unfortunately I couldn't accepted this proposal.

Many thanks to Pavel for these 1.5 days! It was my first couchsurfing experience and I'm really excited about it! Pavel is very friendly, smart, interesting person who always ready to help. I really enjoyed staying with him and hope to see him soon again :)

P.s. That salad with avocado will wait for us ;)

Darya stayed with me for 2 nights. It was her first couchsurfing experience but she acted like she surfed many times already. Maybe because we have much in common I regarded her as a friend, not a stranger. She is not very talkative in good meaning. When we were talking about traveling, hiking, running and ecological lifestyle she was very enthusiastic and showed deep knowledge in these topics ) Also she bought some food by herself for both of us. Then she cooked simple but delicious vegan salad. Yes, she is vegan but not militant )

It was my first CS experience and I was totally pleasured thanks to the Pavel. He is so kind, cheerful, knowledgeable and characteristic person. We hadn't much time for hanging out as my travel coincides with his workdays. However, despite his limited time Pasha took me to observe Northern Lights and kept in touch with me while he was at work. His interest and tolerance of new cultures made it easy to have a chat , share some cultural activities and exchange views.

Hope to see you again in somewhere Pasha :)

Lamiya is calm, quiet and kind girl. And introvert until you get on well :) She was very nice guest despite staying with me was her first couchsurfing experience. She brought pomegranate souce with her and cooked delicious azerbaijanian soup with meatballs for us. I will always remember its taste! :) Then.. she washs dishes and follows some other little home rules.
Lamiya didn't ask me to be her guide in the city and managed to find the best sightseeings by herself. Also she is very lucky and meet very friendly helpful people everywhere. She is a magnet for them :)
Speaking about speaking.. :) Lamiya speaks English almost fluent and almost without an accent. Also she can speaks Russian a little.
In general, she is very warm and soft person. Please be kind and polite with her :)

Павел провел с нами совсем немного времени, можно сказать только один вечер, но было очень интересно пообщаться. Паша рассказал про свое увлекательное путешествие по Камчатке, а также про свой город и его интересную работу. Спасибо за подарок- красивые открытки, сделанные его отцом, профессиональным фотографом. Будем рады новой встрече.

Alexander&Anastasia are very nice couple! They could not host me in the beginning of august but accepted my request for the end of the month in advance. Their warm welcome was a dream after my week hiking in the mountains. Because of the weather conditions and airplanes schedule I spent with Alexander&Anastasia only one evening and half a day instead of 2 and regret about it. They are very good listeners and speakers, interested in travelling, hiking and sport. Also they can cook delicious vegetarian dishes and have a dinner in the dark room with small lights and instrumental music. I felt very comfortable all the time, because Alexander have a charming smile and Anastasia gave me the warm hug immediately upon meeting.

Pavel stayed with us for two night.
He is knowledgeable , friendly and adventure guy...
He research about iranian culture and know everything about everything...
I hope see you in another point of this earth...
Wish best days for you...

Soheil hosted me in his brother's home. It's 30 kms from centre of Shiraz but taxi is very cheap. His brother is photographer and he took photos of me for free in his little studio. Both guys speak English well and very welcoming and helpful. They gave me dinner and breakfast and a lot of information about modern life in Iran.
Soheil has great experience in hitchhiking trips in Turkey and Iran so he can tell you about the best places in these countries.

Pavel was stay with me 2 nights,He was polite smooth spoken and flexible person.He curios about Iraninan culture and lifestyle so we were discussed about it.
He showed us some pictures that he and his father had taken .He gave us one of them whith his sign.thank you 🙏
I hope the best journy in Iran and see you again

Majtoba is very friendly man with big heart. He accepted my request despite he had two guests already and my request was really last minute request. He has very nice wife, but unfortunately she doesn't speak English. Their daughter speaks almost fluently at her 16. They're all interested in other cultures and life conditions and Mojtaba kindly answered all my questions about Iran and gave the best advice about place for hitchhiking out of Kerman. We were sharing food and tea few times and it was delicious.
Mojtaba also can be your driver and tour guide around the city and desert, but ask accurately about price first to be sure it's ok for you.

We talked about their language and I liked him very much because he is funny and flexible .

Mahyar just saved my staying in Yazd and made it unforgettable! He accepted my last minute request when I was desperate to find a host. He lives with his friend near towers of silence in 2room apartment, and he took me to the city centre the first evening by his great pickup. It was not very interesting for him to see historical city of Yazd again but he showed me around and then we meet his friends and had dinner together. Next evening me, Mahyar and his nice friends were playing Counter-strike in computer club and it was awesome. Mahyar is a big fan of games! He speaks English well and it was nice to have conversations with him about relationships in Iran. Also he bought much food for me and was very helpful and cheerful all the time. Finally he gave me a ride to the best place for hitchhiking towards the south. Mahyar is one of the best host I ever had!

I had some hours with Pavel, we walked around the city(Isfahan) and I enjoyed a lot that great times.
He is really friendly, nice, funny, sweet and I hope I can meet him again here in Iran or wherever.
I recommend him to all and hope you can have times with him.
Also he gave me two nice postal cards.
Thank you cool traveler Pavel🙊🙆🌸

Safura could not host me unfortunately, but she came from her summer house to Isfahan to meet me and spent almost the whole day with me. I was enjoying every minute! She is so nice and talkative! We discussed many topics in details because of Safura's fluent English and intelligence. She is not religious and very open minded, that's why there is no forbidden topics for her. I would like to travel with such a wonderful girl like Safura!

Pavel spent one night at Qom(Iran)at my home.he is really frindly and educated ,we talked about a lot of issues ,political economical,social ,issues ,I wish I am be able to see you again ,wish you the best ,enjoy the rest(of your trip in Iran),

Ali is really great guy! He accepted my request immediately and made my stay in Qom as much comfortable as he could. He met me in the city, take a taxi to his house and all evening he was answering my questions about Iran. Since he fluently speak English, chat was very informative. He shared dinner with me and finally sang a Persian song for me. It was amazing and touching! Next day Ali showed me around, despite he has some work to do. That is not all, guys! But the rest of huge list Ali's good features you must 'read' by yourself!

I met Pavel in Kashan. He is a great and adventurous guy. I wish we could spend more time together but i enjoyed my time with him and we had good conversations with each other. He also left me a postcard which was so great and so kind of him. I strongly recommend to meet him.

Amin is really intelligent, kind guy speaking English fluently. He couldn't host me at his home and he managed to host me two nights in the hostel he works. It was very kind of him and he also gave me some advices about sightseeings of Kashan.

POMNISH (❤️ surf a CS) 25 February 2019

With Pavel it feels like you know each other forever. Intelligent, polite, hospitable. He knows a lot about the region and Russian North. The apartment is a bit far from center, but it is quite easy to reach the place by public transport.

As for me Tatiana is nice and knowledgable chat pal, because we have similar interests: photography and travelling. She has experience in hiking and surviving in different countries and weather conditions and she likes to take pictures of unusual nontouristic places like me. She tries to earn some money by this hobbies and told me is it worth or not. So if you like to go shooting despite of the bad weather and hear about photo-freelance and many countries Tatiana has visited, you definitely should host her! :)

My sister and I stayed at Pavel’s place for 3 days, and it was absolutely great experience! Pavel provided us with a whole apartment and gave us our personal time. His apartment is clean and very nice to stay in!
Besides, Pavel is a nice host, he welcomed us very well and gave us a lot of information about the city and how to get around, he knows Murmansk very well! He’s a nice person to be around and have a talk with:) we enjoyed our stay!
Thank you , Pavel! Hope to see you again one day:)

Ekaterina spent 3 nights in my flat with her sister without me. We spent not much time together because I was busy at work but it was enough for making good impression. Ekaterina is talkative and curious about many things. Since she studies Chinese language and culture she can tell about it. Despite it was her first CS-experience she was acting like she supposed to ) No awkwardness or impudence or smth. else. When I came back to my flat after their leaving it was in order and clean there.

I met a Nokia user who texted me ‘I am coming stay there’ ‘what is your plan’ ‘ where are you’ every day
I met a minimalist who complains too many objects in his house all the time
I met a photographer who took a selfie with his Nikon camera the last minute before I left
I met a hitchhiker who judged me unqualified for the winter russia

He is Pavel
My first aurora in Murmansk
My first Chinese New Year s day of 2019
My first kick-your-host-out-of-house experience
No Pavel no all of this special moment!

I will miss your jokes weird Laugh and your warm socks and scarf

Btw, I don’t have plan B
I know you will come to get me in the nowhere of ros** cafe.

Love you Pavel!!
Get a girl on the minibus!
And ask for hug if you are cold

Silver is not typical chinese girl at all! She doesn't like tea, hasn't chinese accent, she travels alone and doesn't take billions of photos like every chinaman does :)) I have to explain why she had 3 "wouldn't stay" references.. They doesn't mean smth negative as you could see. They were written just for fun because Silver and her first 3 hosts are weirdos and doesn't want to hide this fact :)) She doesn't cause any problems and she is not messy. I'd like to tell the same like her previous hosts. The only problem is that you will miss her smiles, jokes, hugs and fountain of positive energy when she leaves you..

Я могу сказать, что Павел удивил всю нашу большую компанию из 5 человек! За что мы говорим ему огромное Спасибо! Паша, принял сразу 5 человек. Для меня это абсолютный рекорд. Также он просто отдал нам ключи от квартиры и разрешил нам жить там. Он не звонил и не писал нам часто и это было очень волнительно. Ведь мы совершенно новые для него люди. Мы говорим Спасибо за доверие и такую открытость. Это было чудо для нас. Мы много суетились и меняли планы. После первого дня пребывания у Паши, мы поехали в Кировск и там были двое суток. Паша разрешил после приехать обратно домой, так как нам надо было провести в Мурманске ещё 2 дня. И ключи были всегда с нами!!! Волшебство? Нет! Паша - добрый, талантливый и понимающий! Желаем в ответ много хорошего. Новых успехов и путешествий! Благодарим!!

Elena and her husband spent 3 nights in my flat. They are lovely guests, polite and friendly. Unfortuntaley I spent with them only few hours, but I will remember their visit for a long time. P.S. Sweet gifts were super delicious!

Пару дней гостили в квартире у Павла. Благодарим за предоставленную возможность!
Павел был очень отзывчивым и заботливым. Нарисовал нам маршрут прогулки по классным местам Мурманска!
Обменялись опытом путешествий!
Надеюсь еще увидимся (: Паш, будешь в Питер собираться - пиши!!!

Nikita is a good chat companion if you are interested in languages and travelling since he teach people online and travels a lot. He can tell you much about South America, Europe and Asia where he have been travelling by hitchhiking and other ways. Also I can say Nikita is quite self-dependent, so he can discover a city by himself, using advices, not asking for a guide if you are busy

Павел интересный, отзывчивый человек, нестандартный и немного чудной, что придает общению изюминку. Показал город, очень вкусно накормил, угостил собственноручно собранным чаем, научил клеить обои.
Остановилась бы я у Павла еще раз? Конечно. Ведь просто гулять и рассказывать про свой город может каждый, а вот клеить в полумраке обои на потолке под приятный шум дождя только Павел.
Хорошо, что есть такие добрые люди, живущие во имя альтруизма. Спасибо за проведенное вместе время. Я рада знакомству с тобой.

Once you had a request from Luba you should prove you are more than adequate person firstly :) She's very selective and she leaves you immediately if you or your home is not good in her opinion. But she's not arrogant or smth at all! She's quite modest or even shy sometimes. She spent 2 days with me and helped me a lot with cooking and even wallpapering :) And she did not ask to walk with her around the city since she's quite independent. It was nice to meet and host Luba :)

Pavel was very kind and flexible, he explained me how to get orientated in the city of Murmansk, thank you Pavel!

I stayed with Pasha several times. The first time i visited him in the winter of 2014 when I first came to Murmansk.
Pasha is an interesting person and an excellent host, he can tell many stories about his travels by hitchhiking and show his city from different sides.
We also traveled together 2 times: around north part of Russia and in Turkey.
I definitely recommend staying with Pasha and meeting with him.

Ira is very friendly and cute girl, have a great experience in hitchhiking throughout the world. She came in Murmansk the 2nd time already and the 1st time was in winter (also by single hitchhiking from Lipetsk!!). Very brave girl! :) She likes to hang out and take pictures a lot, chilling on the open air and listen to folk and rock music live. We spent much time together during her staying and also during our trips. I would to recommend her as guest and fellow traveller.

I stayed at Pavel's place for two nights with a friend. Pavel is a friendly and cool guy. We had great conversations, and also had amazing Russian pancakes (Blini) and tea he prepared. He has extensive knowledge about food and tea in Russia. We were also amazed by his travel experience in Central Asia. He also took us to many interesting places in Murmansk. We really appreciate his help and hope he could visit us in the future.

Yichi and his ex-girlfriend stayed at my home for 2 nights and we spent a lot of time together walking around the city and chatting in the kitchen. It was really pleased to meet such a nice people, who travels the world! It was interesting to listen to about countries they visited and adventures they had. Yichi is very friendly guy with permanent smile on his face, obsessed by photography :) He's modest, clean and helpful. I recommend to host him if you have a chance!

Pavel is a nice guy, who smiles allways :)) He is very interesting and kind personan. We have a counversation aboute his travaling and he tall us whisch place he was. I'm very glad that met him. And I hope to see him again.

Amonbek and his brother Pharmonbek are very friendly and helpful guys with a great hearts! They helped me a lot during my stay in Dushanbe! They and their parents fed me despite of Ramazon, told me about Tadzhik traditions and real life in Tadzhikistan now, drove me to the center of the city for walking, gave me some cookies for further travelling. These brothers want to practice their English, so if you are english-speaker, welcome! But if you are not, like me, it doesn't matter, they will host you and do their best for you anyway :)

Pavel stayed at our place for two days, I can tell, that I was lucky to host him. He is very friendly and positive. We enjoyed his stories about about places​ he visited people he met. He has wide knowledge about culture and can talk about everything. I hope one day we can come to his place and meet up with
Thank you for good time Pavel!

Shoira is nice and clever girl :-) Fluent in Russian and English, good in cooking and choosing boyfriend:-) Actually he was hosting me and gave me loads of info about modern Uzbekistan. This couple is a good choice if you are not very keen on old traditions of Middle Asia.

Паша просто чудесный человек! Напоил нас вкуснейшим чаем, рассказал о своих путешествиях и показал Мурманск! Очень приятный, милый и хороший парень! Паша, спасибо тебе огромное! Мы будем скучать и знать, что на севере есть безумно клёвый ты! 💙

Lina is a nice cute girl with a huge passion for adventures! :) She's kind, modest and fun, despite of her serious look most of the time :) She spent with me 2 days and I'd say.. unfortunately only 2 days :)

Мы искали северное сияние несмотря ни на что

Ann is really unusual girl with unusual past, education, family and future plans. So all this stuff definitely influence on her way of life, thoughts and actions. Sorry, but no spoilers! :P And I'm sure you like her a lot like I did during her staying with me!

Pavel is a very sociable guy! I didn't stay with him (because my plans changed) but had a wonderful evening by chatting and hanging out around the city when time flew very fast :)
Strongly recommend to meet Pasha! You definitely will open smth new.
Good luck with your beginnings, one reader you already have ;)

Anne is one of the most cheerful and friendly persons I've ever met! :) She loves to laugh and makes you do the same all the time :)

Оставались у Павла на две ночи, прекрасно провели время! Он очень хорошо знает и безумно любит свой город, это большая редкость) всё рассказал, посоветовал живописные места, свозил нас к памятнику ждущей.
От поездки остались самые приятные впечатления) спасибо огромное Паше за это!

I was pleased to meet and host Tonya, because she is very nice and sociable girl with interests close to mine (photography, movies, nature, travelling). And she was really interested in my city's and region's particular features so I told and showed her a lot with great pleasure. She's a good listener :) And storyteller as well :) Don't miss a chance to meet future great camerawomen ;)

Me and my friend stayed at Pavel's place for a night when we were coming back from long hike. He was really generous and nice. We had interesting conversations about traveling. Pavel is a great host and a great traveler, I'd recommend him to anyone.

Konstantin stayed with me just one night and proved himself as a good CSurfer following home rules and giving advices about travelling in countries he visited.

Pavel is a vey nice guy. He stayed for 2 nights. We spent much time at the kitchen😃 by cooking and talking about traveling (he has a lot of experience and stories) We managed to do some sightseeing as well, it was raining though☔️ Pasha, good luck and hope you enjoyed your Siberian trip!)

Katrin is unforgettable girl! ) She did her best for making my staying in Kemerovo as interesting as it possible :) Although she herself was enough indeed ) She's not hitchhiker like me, but experienced traveller and knows much about different countries and cultures. Also she cooks well and smiles enchantingly )

Паша - очень добрый и приятный человек 😀 Не навязывает своих точек зрения и всегда тактичен и открыт. 😀 Нам привез гостинцев и провел с нашей семьёй 2 ночи. Паша отлично подготовился к своему автостопному путешествию и самостоятельно открывал для себя достопримечательности 😀 Желаю тебе здоровья и новой крепкой счастливой семьи! 😀🌸Пусть мысли твои материализуются быстрее!

I and my dad stayed at the house of Pavel for 2 nights. We talked a lot about everything. Cool when you meet a man whose travel style is similar to yours. Pavel gave everything that was needed. He is a very interesting interlocutor and friendly person. He knows a lot information about traveling.Thank you, Pavel.

Maria and her father are experienced hitchhikers, specialized in Turkey and Caucasus. So they could tell much about features and traditions in these regions and about Scandinavia and Europe too. They both are very talkative and friendly persons, follow home rules, share their food, cook and wash dishes. Everything was good!

Останавливался у Павла 2 раза в течении 3-4 дней: по дороге в Териберку и на обратном пути. Оба раза меня ждал радушный прием. Павел подробно описал, как до него добраться, встретил на остановке. Предложил все, что надо путешественнику: спальное место, ужин/завтрак, душ. А еще подробно рассказал о предстоящем мне маршруте. Павел вообще большой знаток Мурманской области, и может рассказать много интересного и полезного для тех, кто собирается путешествовать по его родным краям.

Dmitriy is a modest and calm surfer that spent 2 nights in my place in Murmansk, during his trip to Teriberka and back. He's experienced hitchhiker and tourist, so he never makes a problem. Since he's from Altay, he told me about some routes in that region, gave some advices; it was really interesting and helpful!

Нормальный парень фотограф.

Отличный парень. Невооружённым взглядом видно, что у человека немалый опыт в путешествиях и приёме путников. Тактичный, пунктуальный. С тонким чувством юмора =)

Artem is an extraordinary person! Before hitting Murmansk he managed to reach a distant little village Teriberka on the shore of Barents sea despite of heavy snowfalls and warnings. But he couldn't get out of here ) thanks god for a good fortune, he was saved :) And there's not the only advenure in his life, just one of hundred, and he may tell you about the rest of them all :) He's brave and lucky and no-problem guy, so I'd reccomend to host him without a hesitation.

He is an awesome host, he helped me even having another guest coming, he picked me up from the station, he cook, his house is a bit far from center, but he has everything necessary, and if not he will find it for you
So much into all details, he showed us around, I could write many more positive things, but just to sum up, visit Murmansk and Pavel has been a great experience, I totally recommend him
Thanks for all, and hopefully see you in the world ;)

Victor is fun and easy going guy, who stayed at my place for 3 nights. Having a good sense of humour he may discuss a serious topics also. He's good in russian and english both so there was no problem with communication at all. I like his spontaneous way of travelling. No exact plan for the city, just go and look for smth interesting, feel the atmosphere :) He's also independent for discovering the city (or even region) by himself, so you don't need to worry about him and accompany him all the time.

Pavel is a very good guest. Wash a dishes, makes interesting photos, speak interesting themes. We strongly recommend to host him. And waiting at next time. Good luck on your trips!

Иван и Ольга - просто замечательные светлые люди! Интересные собеседники, гостеприимные хозяева и прекрасные родители очаровательной дочки. В их доме царят уют, добро и любовь. С ними можно подружиться всего за пару часов и уезжать совсем не хочется:-)

We were staying for two nights at Pavel's place with my bf. Everything was nice and he is incredibly caring person. It was very pleasant to talk to him and to share mutual interests. Hope to see you again, Pavel.

Nadya & Grisha are really nice surfers and persons! ) Kind, polite and open-minded they brought and share only positive emotions and smiles! :) And red fish and fish pie )) I'd like to meet them again any place :)

We had Pavel with my girlfriend. And it was great! Pavel - very friendly guy: he not only helped us to stay in Murmansk, but also had a tour not only a popular tourist destination, but also on the "real" Murmansk, hidden from most tourists. In addition, he always offered us many activities, which greatly helped. Thank you Pavel for the fact that he was constantly in touch, I was ready to respond to any request and he willingly offered his assistance in organizing the rest from the first to the last day. This support allowed in the hollow least learn about Murmansk and its magical surroundings.
Thank you! Come to visit!

Viktor and his girlfriend are modest, polite and nice. They are also self-dependent and interesting story-tellers. I was pleased to hosted them and helped them as much as I could during their trip to Murmansk and Teriberka.

Pavel and Nastya where really friendly and great persons. I will host them again for sure. Thank you!

Pavel is very kind and sympathetic person! We stayed at it for two nights, he showed us places we could visit in the city. He met us in the evenings after work and continued to show the city, it was very interesting!

I was very pleased to meet Mikhail as soon as he's a fan of Nikon cameras and good lenses like me :) And also he's brave (or crazy) enough to start his hitchhiking 'career' in winter in Russia and even on behind the Polar circle! He's a good photographer and man as well :) Kind, fun and clever :) Hope to see him again during our trips.

Paul described us all Murmansk attractions. What they are and how to find them. And even given a map with marks! He also works as a journalist and knows a lot actual information! He is very friendly and welcoming!

Alena is the kind of surfer which you DO want to host since the moment you saw her profile! :) And won't refuse to meet her again in any time any place :) Awesome bright charming girl! Absolutely unpretentious and full of hitchhiking stories :) It seems she travels almost allways and brings only positive and fun :)

Pasha is very helpful and nice guy, he hosted us in Murmansk. He showed city to us, helped with everything. It is so nice to communicate with well-educated and talented people like him:) His family is very nice and friendly too. It is difficult to describe by words his friendliness and charm. Thank you!!!

Stas is very intelligent and polite couchsurfer, but fun too :) When we met at the r/w staion he was pretending for half an hour that he speaks only English and his chinese friend Valerie is an interpreter )) They did my New Year's eve and the first day of 2016 unforgettable! I had a very nice chats with them about travelling, cultures, traditions and relationships :)) And in addition I had a lesson of chinese language, calligraphy and history ) Stas and Valerie were my teachers :) I would like to host them again any time! Together or separately :)

Павел - гостеприимный хозяин и интересный собеседник. Благодаря ему я и мой молодой человек узнали много нового о Мурманске и не только, а наши новогодние каникулы получились чудесными. Спасибо за приют, экскурсию, полезные советы, а главное, за исполненную мечту - увидеть северное сияние!

Thanks Maria and her boyfriend for visiting me :) Because of their initiative we walked around Murmansk despite of really frosty weather and everything was fantastic! Maria is an extreme travelling fan, hitchhiker and I like it! She told me some cool stories about her previous adventures. I was impressed by her braveness and equipment for getting into abandoned or even forbidden places. Wish you good luck! Hope to see you again in any part of Russia :)

Павел очень сильно выручил,когда повисла ночь в Мурманске,а друзей и родных в этом городе не оказалось. Оперативно отвечал на все сообщения, встретил на вокзале,помог добраться до места и всячески сделал мой вечер в Мурманске приятным. Ещё раз спасибо!
P.S: Мир круглый, до встречи и удачи :)

I was glad to meet Nina! Although she stayed only one night in my flat, I was pleased to help her, because she is friendly and grateful girl. It was easy to chatting with Nina about everything like we are friends for a long time already. Hope to see you again in Murmansk, Alta or Arkhangelsk :)

It was very nice meeting with Pavel and his girlfriend a day away short time only I cook breakfast and easy it was nice to chat thank you good luck good holiday

Selçuk saved my trip to Amasya! It's not so easy to find english speaking hosts in little turkish cities and I was lucky to stay with Selçuk! He said "My home is your home" and it was true. We cooked and had a breakfast together, he offered us to take his keys while we are walking just in case..
P.s. Selçuk is owner of the best apartments in Amasya, I guess! :) Huge terrace with cozy sofas and great view!

Ali Can (❤️ host a CS) 24 October 2015

He's really clean and friendly :) thanks for eveythings :)

Ali was my first host in Turkey and one of the best hosts indeed! He did my and my girlfriend's staying in Ankara as much pleasant as we couldn't imagine. It seems like he was around us all the time, trying to help us or making us to laugh :) Me and my girlfriend had a comfortable separate rooms with PCs and Ali let us use them anytime for any needs. He also cooked for us or took the food from his aunt :) It was delicious everytime. There are not many places of interest in Ankara, but Ali seems showed us them all and told about them everything he knew. All these walkings and chats were really fun, because Ali used to use some amusing russian words and short phrases always in right time. He's very good in it and we have much fun, making jokes together! :)) On the last day's evening Ali did two great things for us: he found the best way to hitchhike out from Ankara towards Istanbul and presented us a dog (Tarchin) made from balloon. It was so nice! :) I have been hitchhiking from Ankara to Istanbul with this dog sitting on my backpack :)
P.S. Ali, don't forget about sguschenka! ;))

i hosted pavel and his friend for 1 night.

they have great information about traveling. i learned far traveling blogs, websites, hints vs. from him. he was look like my traveling teacher in this experience.

you can talk with him about photography and great music.
because he has great music pleasure.

hosting pavel was a pleasure for me

Semih was one of the best hosts in my life! :) Very friendly, helpful and talkative. Because of his clear English, me and my girlfriend had a pleasure to talk with him about turkish traditions and habits. We like the same music bands so I feel like home listening his playlists during meal time.

Pavel and İrina were great couple! They inspired me for my travel that ı will do in the future. Altough they come from Murmansk (the most populous city above the polar circle and one of the coldest cities on the planet) they very warm-blooded, talkative and friendly. Their gift still on my fridge and remembering me 'aurorae')) Thank you!

Emre surprised me and my girlfriend twice! The first surprise was his ability to speak russian very good. And the second... he treated us in restaurant with fishburger (i dunno turkish name) and extraordinary juice (purple carrot juice with salt and spices). This was our best food experince or I'd say experiment in Turkey! :) It was really interesting to chat with him about his jobs in diffrent countries, about buildings he "built" in Russia. Nice man!

PLOT (❤️ host a CS) 02 October 2015

Hosted Him In June!
Good guy! Hope you like Yoshka. Sorry for no time to show around!

I stayed at Ivan's place in June for 2 nights and I'm very grateful for his hospitality! He hadn't enough time to show us around, but he did his best for us. Marked interesting places on the city map, gave advices about the route in the center of Yoshkar-Ola, and finally gave us a lift by his own car to the best point for hitchhiking out from Yoshkar-Ola to Kazan.

Pasha travels to Russia, and he was in the Republic of Komi. I was glad to get to know this wonderful man. Pasha kind, interesting conversationalist. It was easy for me to tell him about my town, because he knows how to listen. In addition, he is absolutely independent from me to explore the city, I was pleased. Good luck you on your travel!

It was a big luck to meet Raisa! She and her friends tell us so much about Syktyvkar and show many "secret" places! Beautiful people, great excursions! :) Thanks, thanks, thanks!

Pavel is very polite, calm and unordinary man. He is uplevel traveller and amazing storyteller. I'll host him again any time!

Liliya is kind and helpful and brave (she hitchhiked alone in Georgia) :) Since she's a journalist she may tell much interesting about Perm and other cities of Ural. Hope to see you again on my way to East!

Хороший человек

JJOA (❤️ host a CS) 02 November 2013

Pavel and his friend stayed at our place for a couple of days. They were nice people and it was fun to see how excited they were about dumpster diving. :D I hope rest of your trip went great!

Pavel is a nice person. Hi is very overt and outgoing. He is a good teller,so it's always intresting to speack with him. And he danсes salsa awesome. ;)))

Nice guy and a good photographer :)

Natalia is one of the most enterprising person in Murmansk for sure! Hyperactive girl who have organized many awesome events with a help of her smile :)

I hosted Pavel at Saint-Peterburg at summer '12. We haven't any troubles and it was very nice week.

Allien is an extraordinary girl for sure! ) We were living together in her room all that 7 days I spent in Saint Petersburg and I can say it was the best my surfing experience. Although Allien looks a little weird she is really friendly, talkative and understanding. She likes to help people and do that with a smile :) You can laugh with her or talk about serious things since she's really smart. After all, I was feeling like home.

I know Pavel as a guy with a camera who is keen of being in the middle of action at the most extraordinary performances in Murmansk. Being a rock band member, I personally got to know him at massive gigs where we took part.
Then, he went in a short music tour with out band as a correspondent\photographer. I was very glad to travel with Pavel. He's smart, reliable and friendly person with whom you feel like friends even knowing him not a long time!

Polina is not just a nice singer, but also she's a smart and friendly girl. Conversation with her in the Murmansk-Petrozavodsk train was really interesting. She told me about her experince in Vietnamese language school, about shooting a clip with her friends. We got to know each other better and I hope she got as much pleasure as me.

Pavel a really good,calm,interesting person.he very like traveling and meeting a new people. he stayed at my place for a couple days in Pskov. i think that everyone can have a really nice conversation with this man,becouse he is a journalist. I can easily recommend him to you as a guest, that's for sure!hope we will meet again)

Olga and her boyfriend welcomed me so friendly as if they know me well before we met. They hosted me for 2 days and I had no problems at all until I left. We were walking around Pskov, chatting about our hitch-hiking and couchsurfing experience. Thank you very much for the hospitality, kindness, interesting stories! I recommend Olya as a host for everyone who visit Pskov.

Роман с женой останавливались у меня в Мурманске летом, и я бы принял их снова, так как это общительные, интересные, воспитанные люди. Даже если вы не интересуетесь сельским хозяйством или пищевой промышленностью, как Роман, советую не отказываться от возможности познакомиться с ним, потому что человек очень разносторонний и дружелюбный.

Несмотря на то, что профиль Кирилла здесь неактивен уже 2 месяца (сложности с оплатой иностранного сервиса), в середине августа он ответил на мой запрос через Вконтакте и принял меня на две ночи. Дух каучсерфинга близок не только самому Кириллу, но и его жене Оле, которая общалась со мной даже больше него, потому что мы оказались коллегами, да еще со схожими хобби.
В квартире мне выделили целую гостиную с прекрасным интерьером, куда никто старался не заходить во время моего пребывания (коты, собака и африканский ёжик - не в счёт). Оба дня Оля готовила вкуснейшие ужины, завтраки и десерты, рассказывала мне о Биробиджане и истории Еврейской автономной области, а в прощальный вечер мы втроём сходили на сопку, откуда открывается вид на весь город.
Благодаря доброжелательности Кирилла и Ольги, я чувствовал себя как в гостях у друзей.

Хотя мы с Дашей провели в общей сложности вместе не более часа, она спасла моё пребывание в Благовещенске, потому что кроме неё активных хостов в этом городе, похоже, не осталось. Даша приняла мой запрос за месяц до приезда, а при встрече удивила тем, что не приютила у себя, а дала ключи от квартиры в соседнем доме, в которой никого не было, но все удобства для комфортного проживания имелись. Пообщаться мы смогли около 40 минут только вечером того же дня, когда я нагулялся по Благовещенску, а Даша закончила работать. Несмотря на сложность некоторых вопросов, которые я задавал о городе и Приамурье, Даша смогла подробно ответить почти на все и удовлетворить моё любопытство :) Лицом к лицу мы больше не общались, но Даша всегда была на связи по WhatsApp и отвечала, когда у меня возникали какие-либо вопросы во время осмотра Благовещенска.

Катрина - необыкновенно отзывчивый и добрый человек! Она приняла мой запрос, несмотря на то, что с семьёй была в отъезде. По её просьбе встретил меня и жил со мной в ее шикарной квартире друг семьи - Юрий, которому также близок дух каучсерфинга и который был очень добр и помогал во всём. Огромное спасибо Катрине и Юрию! Остальные хосты Якутска игнорировали мои запросы или не могли принять.

Случайно узнал о Летающем доме перед самым выездом в Абхазию благодаря видео на Ютубе, а искать его координаты начал, прибыв в Ткуарчал :)) Догадался зайти на кауч, а оттуда - в ВК. Минут 15 вчитывался в правила дома, которые написаны весьма строго, а оказалось всё очень понятно, просто и привычно, если объединить правила хорошего тона, каучсерфинга и кротовских Домов для всех и сдобрить абхазским флёром )) План был - посмотреть Ткуарчал и съездить в Акармару, но из-за дождей пришлось (читай - посчастливилось) сидеть дома почти 3 дня и за это время познакомиться не только с Софией, ее дочкой и Аней, с которой мы жили в соседней квартире, но и с их друзьями, переехавшими из России в Ткуарчал :) Кто-нибудь время от времени приходил, приезжал на час, два, на ночь поболтать, поделиться едой, потаскать мебель =))) а иногда приходило сразу по пять человек, поэтому создавалось ощущение Дома для всех, но с более интересным контингентом, чем я заставал в ДДВ. При этом у меня была своя комната идеальная в своём минимализме, а ванную и туалет делил только с полупризрачной Аней ))
Софа хоть сейчас и неактивная походница, но может подсказать как пройти не только к популярным, но и к неизвестным достопримечательностям, благодаря этому у меня был незабываемый маршрут из Акармары в Ткуарчал и вылазка на плотину. А во время дождей было приятно поговорить с единомышленником в том смысле, что я тоже и пишу и фотографирую :) В общем, всё было классно, был рад помочь с ремонтом и грузопереносками. Надеюсь вернуться через год-два и обнаружить Летающий дом на том же месте в еще лучшем виде!

Паша с Настей - очень приятные ребята; выручили меня, приняв запрос через час после его отправки. Два вечера угощали разнообразными китайскими чаями, заваренными и разливаемыми по всем правилам, а утром Павел приготовил вкуснейший латте. В первый вечер устроили ботаническую экскурсию по Массандровскому парку, который недалеко от их дома.
У Павла очень нестандартный взгляд на мироустройство и вообще на многие темы, о чем он с удовольствием вам расскажет за чаем. Если пожелаете, он покажет некоторые практики работы с сознанием/подсознанием/духом.
Настя будет приятной собеседницей, пока Павел занят работой (фриланс-удаленка).

Лиза меня очень выручила на следующий день, после того, как я спустился по севастопольской тропе в Балаклаву. Так как мы не договаривались на определенную дату из-за непредсказуемости моего похода, сразу принять она меня не могла, а на второй день согласилась, когда я уже думал, что придется ночевать в палатке в Балаклаве ещё одну ночь. Лиза не только разрешила остаться на ночь, но и позвала вместе с подругой на Ночь в музеях, благодаря чему я бесплатно посмотрел вечерний Херсонес и несколько музеев.
После этого она угостила сытным ужином и мы отлично побеседовали. Утром мне пришлось поспешно удалиться с рюкзаком, не позавтракав и не постирав одежду из-за сложного графика работы мужа Лизы. Она вечером обсуждала планы с ним по телефону, но мне забыла сказать о том, что рано утром нужно будет срочно удалиться.

Arseniy is a nice guy. He is kind and helpful and friendly with each other. He got along with 2 his fellow-travelers-hitchhikers, with me and my 2 another couchsurfers during staying in my home. I guess he can find a compromise in any situation and I think it's worth to appreciate.

Anastasia, her father and brother are welcoming and nice. They live not far from the city centre and bus station. Anastasia let me leave my extra stuff for hiking at her place before my 'check-in' and I really appreciate it! I came back from my first Kamchatka hike at midnight, but it wasn't problem for Anastasia to let me in and let me take shower after a week in the mountain. In the morning she go for a job and her father share breakfast with me and told many interesting things about Kamchatka and its people.
Once in the late evening Anastasia suggest me to swim with her previous couchsurfers in the open-air geothermal hot swimming pool, and she drove us there and back at midnight. It was unforgettable!
After my second comeback few days later (I visited another volcanos) Anastasia's brother (guide and interpreter) told me a lot of stories about his experience with tourists and gave some advices about hiking. Very friendly and welcoming family. Everybody took me as a friend at once.

Alesya and her husband Andrey are very welcoming and nice. Andrey met me at the airport and drove home, telling stories about his life and adventures on Kamchatka. Alesya cook some delicious food and told about the most interesting places in the city. We visited famous Khalaktirsky beach together by guys' car and on the way back Andrey and Alesya bought the best shaurma for me:) Their dogs are charming, no worries about it! I am very grateful for Alesya and Andrey hospitality, because they accepted my request despite they're preparing for their trip to USA.

I was hosted in Shiraz by Amir's brother Soheil but we was living 2 days with Amir and his family in village near Shiraz. Amir and his parents were super welcoming and helpful. I was sharing food with them, mother of Amir let me use washing machine for wash all my clothes and Amir told me a lot about Iran and Islam since he's fluent in English, then took very good photos of me in his little handmade photostudio and showed me how he developes pictures. For me as a backpacker and photographer it was really nice time I spent with Amir and his relatives!

Parimah accepted my request when I was desperate to find a host in Isfahan. Her house is far from centre of the city, but there are many very cheap buses and taxis. She lives with her mother and brother, they are friendly as Parimah and like to know something about other countries and cultures.
I spent not much time with Parimah, because of her work and my desire to explore Isfahan by myself, but every morning and evening we had warm and interesting conversations. She speaks English fluently and well educated for any discussion. But you should know she is not religious.
Parimah was really helpful. When I was very tired, she bought and brought some food for me. If you would be as nice as Parimah and her family and would not expect free meals you will be awarded by Iranian hospitality.

Evgeny&Daria is a nice friendly couple! Evgeny has an experience in hitchhiking so he can tell you about this kind of travelling and about some countries except Russia. I'd stay with them again with pleasure or host these couple anytime.

I used to stay with Olga 2 times: the first - through CS request in her flat in Moscow and the 2nd - in House for everybody (Dom dlya vsekh) in Chemal (Altai). Both times she proved herself as a responsible and hospitable hostess. The better you follow her home rules, the better she treats you :) That's not difficult at all! You always may ask her about places to visit in Russia and nearest countries, she is pretty experienced hitchhiker with loads of helpful advices.

I hosted Nina 3 days in Murmansk. She is the best person for hang out in any place any weather any event if you are share her interests and hobbies ) Excellent speaker and listener, she is one of those with whom you feel free and comfortable and not boring. She may surprise you as well by the stories about her life.. past and present. She's nice, polite, helpful and friendly from the first minute we met. Dream to see her again on her motherland )

Unfortunately, Marat was absent when we come, but he did his best to let us in his flat as soon as it was possible, thanks to his friends! Me and my girlfriend met him next evening for a short time. This time was definitely not easy time for Marat.. hope to see you again, man! Good luck to you with repairs, kitchen and hot water :)

Vladislav is the most responsible and intelligent host I've ever met! He described in details how to get to his house in 3 different ways for my choise. When I came.. I didn't ask for tour around Moscow or even his district, but I had a verbal excursion that was really interesting and informative! Vladislav knows thousands of facts and numbers about Moscow!

Öykü hosted me and my girlfriend for 2 nights in Istanbul in the end of September during our hitchhiking trip around Turkey. She did it without a couchrequest; just said 'Yes', when her boyfriend (Halil) decided to help us. They're both really helpful and kind! Although Öykü is a little bit shy with strangers [especially foreign hitchhikers, I guess :))] she's always ready to do something for you, give advice or just have a chat.. when she gets used to you :) She's interested in travelling and diffrent cultures and like to discuss about it, but you will know it only if she feels comfortable with you. Good luck! :) Öykü, thanks a lot for your hospitality!

In fact Halil hosted me and my girlfriend in Istanbul for 3 nights, but I couldn't leave a proper reference because of new references rules :( Anyway.. Halil couldn't host us by himself, but he did his best to make our staying in Turkey comfortable as much as it possible with help of his friends and girlfriend. That's why I wrote HE hosted us :) At first he gave us advices about hitchhiking in Turkey, then we spent a night with his nice friend and met Halil next morning. He showed us the most popular sightseeings, a secret place and tell about transport system for our future walks. He spent with us or I'd say FOR US all the day! Next 2 nights we spent in his girlfriend's house. Because of Halil's fluent English and wide knowledge about Turkey's history, we heard many interesting stories and legends. During all 3 days he has been helping us as much as he could! I really admire him! I'd like to have a friend like Halil in my city indeed!

Dasha is very friendly and nice hostess. The time we spent together was full of just a positive emotions and smiles. She's really interesting person, reliable and helpful. Dasha, I won't forget your "smashing pumpkins" soup! =)

Now I have to write translation of the message I left on your "surfers board" :)
Jen, thank you sooo much for your hospitality, charming smile and incredible soup made of vegetables from dumpsters :)) You are one of the best persons I've met abroad and one of the best host! I only can dream about lifestyle like yours and about friends like you. Thank you again for tours on the studio, Christiania and the neighborhood. Those walks and evenings with you playing ukulele were unforgivable.

Anastasia is charming girl with shiny eyes and cute cheeks (especially when she smiles). It's always nice to meet her, to talk with her. We made acquaintance summer 2012 at the ethno-music festival "White Noise" in Karelia, although we have seen each other few times before. Once during the festival she was passing by and sat down by my side. I can't remember what was we talking about, but at the end Anastasia said something like: "It was nice to talk to you. I've found a common language not with every person I've met. But chatting with you was easy and I liked it". I can't forget those sincere words.