It was very interesting to talk to Naveen. Actually, as I suppose many other people,I had a bit wrong stereotypes about his native country India. Ive never been there yet and my thoughts about India were based mostly on some films and news. But Naveen changed it with saying many interesting things about this country, it´s people and life style. He is very well educated,smart and intelligent interlocuter and, of course, a great patriot of his native country. Thank's, Naveen!
About me
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It was very interesting to talk to Naveen. Actually, as I suppose many other people,I had a bit wrong stereotypes about his native country India. Ive never been there yet and my thoughts about India were based mostly on some films and news. But Naveen changed it with saying many interesting things about this country, it´s people and life style. He is very well educated,smart and intelligent interlocuter and, of course, a great patriot of his native country. Thank's, Naveen!