
Olga and Sergey


Сергей и Ольга очень тепло меня встретили. Накормили супом и напоили чаем. Мы сразу же нашли общий язык и разговаривали до самого вечера, делились опытом и впечатлениями. Сергей и Ольга много путешествуют и имеют большой багаж знаний. Было очень интересно проводить время в их компании. С утра меня накормили вкусной кашей и я отправился в путь. Надеюсь еще увидимся.

Sergei and Olga are was very kind to me. We found a common language and talked until the evening, shared experience and impressions. Sergey and Olga travel a lot and have big luggage of knowledge. It was very interesting to spend time in their company. In morning, they fed me delicious porridge and I went to adventure. I hope, i will meet they again.

01 October 2019

Egor, a very calm, funny, sociable and attentive interlocutor. We found a common language from the first minute. It was very important to us. He brought a lot of different sweets to tea. He spoke about his travel experiences in Korea and Mongolia. We were so happy to hear stories about hitchhiking, because this topic is very close to us. It is a pity that Yegor stayed with us just for one night. We chatted until late. And in the morning he had to go on. I hope we'll meet again. And we wish you to successfully get to your home.