


I stayed with Leo and Barbara only 1 night but it’s was really good experience. Their house has perfect location, closer city centre and Park. I had my private room with comfortable bed and bathroom.
We had some dinner and breakfast together. Leo and Barbara very friendly, nice and hospitality couple. I recommend them like guests or hosts.
Best wishes

22 September 2023

She arrived one day earlier in Graz and we hosted her for one night only. So we could not talk a long time about her travels and living in the last years since she left Russia. But she's a lady for all seasons, tough, interested, talkative.
Каждый раз, когда вы постучите в нашу дверь, она будет открыта для вас. Всего наилучшего Вам и Божьих благословений на будущее
Лео и Барбара