Jankka she is so beautiful and so kind Girl , I met her in Luxor with some people from couch surfing , we drunk tea and talking about our experience and many topics , we shared the experience also , to be honest she have a lot of experience about travel , and it's so good , and then I invited her to the wedding for my cousin , and we did dance there hahaha 😂
It was so funny thing , I was so happy and glad because they r went to the wedding , and really I hope to meet you again some day inshallah 💞
Highly recommended to host or meet her 🌸
Have a safe trip 🌸
About me
Here history of Couchbot creation and plans for the future...
Jankka she is so beautiful and so kind Girl , I met her in Luxor with some people from couch surfing , we drunk tea and talking about our experience and many topics , we shared the experience also , to be honest she have a lot of experience about travel , and it's so good , and then I invited her to the wedding for my cousin , and we did dance there hahaha 😂
It was so funny thing , I was so happy and glad because they r went to the wedding , and really I hope to meet you again some day inshallah 💞
Highly recommended to host or meet her 🌸
Have a safe trip 🌸