Серёжа Гуляев No data Reviews All Received ⭐ 1 Sent ⭐ 1 Лесная Долина (❤️ host a CS) 01 April 2020 Everything went super easy with Sergey! I’ve hosted him for three days, all the time he brought no worries and shared his routine in a friendly manner. BTW writing poems I find a delightful habit, and wish Sergey to be maximum inspired all the time. reply from Серёжа Гуляев 05 April 2020 Веселый и позитивный хост.) С радостью приехал бы ещё раз!
Everything went super easy with Sergey! I’ve hosted him for three days, all the time he brought no worries and shared his routine in a friendly manner. BTW writing poems I find a delightful habit, and wish Sergey to be maximum inspired all the time.
Веселый и позитивный хост.) С радостью приехал бы ещё раз!