


Very good man! Showed us the city of Pyatigorsk, told about the city of Kislovodsk, gave advice to go there. Very grateful to him for it. Organized leisure at the highest level. Thanks you very much, Andrew!

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Андрюш, гречка из прекрасной рисоварки нам показалась суховатой)) Надеемся, вы с девчонками осилили весь тот объем))
Спасибо тебе за приют! Будешь в Ставрополе - звони!

13 August 2012

Ivan and Tanya are a very nice and cute couple. They enjoy life and think out of the box - which is just what I most enjoy in people. Ivan introduced me to this new way of farming, which I really liked, and I am grateful for that.

Thanks for stopping by, guys. Hope to see you again soon! :)