


Irina is interesting person, experienced traveler, and a good organizer.

I met her in Tajikistan, where she developed the local couchsurfers community.

She helped me organize my travel lecture, and was a good conversationalist.

I will be glad to meet you again somewhere in the world and welcome to my home!

12 April 2022

We were staying with same host in Dushanbe. Alex is highly experienced traveller, well organized and full of advice. He keep clean all around. He is easy to deal with, organise anything. He gave here a lecture about traveling. He made for couchsurfers hike to beautiful mountains, during hike he was our radio with interesting stories. Good luck and see you :)

06 July 2021

Мой рекомедосьëн, действительно настоящий, крутой кауч))

Я узнал об Ирине от амбассадора и хоста из Красноярска Марка. После того как я узнал, что Ирина остановилась в городе, через который проходило мое путешествие по стране, я не задумываясь заехал с ней встретиться.

Ирина классная, веселая и добрая! Мы вместе купались в озере Байкал, пели песни под укулеле и много общались.

Мне был интересен ее опыт путешествия и приема гостей. Я узнал очень много интересного для себя в этих направлениях.

Спасибо за встречу! Добра и благости тебе в пути. Ухо Байкала нашептало мне, что я приеду в Тюмень) @fishka112

Ok, google. Translate it! 👆
(Почему бы не прикрутить автотранслейт к форме отзыва?)

10 August 2020

I met Alex during travel, he came to town especially too meet me. We had a nice evening together: swim in Bailkal and make bonfire near, talk, sing when he played ukulele. He is always wide smiling and positive person. Have a good journey

18 October 2020

I was on CS meeting in Kaliningrad when Jankka welcome all couchsurfers to meet in her place. It was very warm and fun. Also she is caring and hospitable, I ask her for shower, she was okay and offered me clean towel. Thanks and wish you only best experience on CS.