
Лесная Долина


Анна Дмитриева 30 September 2024

Вписывались у Лесной Долины два дня. Комфортно спали на полу с подогревом. Что всегда нужно гостю от хоста? Правильно, ключи! Ключи были выданы. И это хорошо!))

Принял двух чудесных дам в гостях. Были тихи и комфортны безо всяких хлопот. Увлечение вымершими языками меня особенно зацепило. Всяким вписочникам рекомендую Анну и её друзей)

Антон Гурьев 20 August 2024

Лесная Долина нашёл время и принял меня на несколько ночей. ^^10/10 это настоящий учёный, физик. Имеет большой опыт путешествий . Весел . Общителен . Проживает в необычном жилье-"музее" в самом центре Самары со своей женой, и двумя кошачьими)) в отзывах не нуждается! Спасибо Лёха!!! Легенда✌

Вписывал летом Антона в Самаре. Парень пробивной, искушённый, на опыте и разуме! Всячески рекомендую

Остановились с подругой у Алексея на два невероятных дня. Очень гостеприимный и приятный человек с не менее приятными женой и котами. Ощущение, что находишься в сердце Самары!

С удовольствием принял Василину с подругой у себя дома. Девочки открывают для себя самостоятельные путешествия и делают это очень смело. Без проблем зависли на пару дней, всегда было, чем заняться. Коммуникация без проблем! Всегда готов принять вновь.

Остановились с подругой в Самаре на 2 дня (3 ночи), с 24 по 27 апреля у этого замечательного человека. Мы чувствовали себя, как дома! Лёгкое и непринуждённое общение, любопытные коты, уюный, полный интереснейших вещей дом – всё радовало и вдохновляло. Спасибо за вкусную еду, тёплый пол и просто за то, что есть на свете такие люди! ❤❤❤

Аня — опытный странник, давно путешествует и хорошо знает все распорядки. Тактична и полезна. Был рад принять её!

Андр Гирляндов 07 January 2024

Сверх уникальная возможность остановится у Алексея. Толком слов не подобрать для того, чтобы передать то, настолько у него интересная жизнь, и особенно интересно то, как он гармонично в ней находится, как ориентируется.
Человек - учёный, человек - странник... Ответит на любой вопрос развёрнуто и с собственным интересом.
Если вы путишественник, однако не бывали в лесной долине, то, хотите верьте, хотите - нет, но вы ещё не достаточно путишествовали.

Мне довелось вписывать Андрея пару раз в его пути. Даже шире — в начале и в окончании одной его дороги. Потому был рад наблюдаемым в течение года изменениям, в которых я очень постарался ему помочь. Хотя бы элементарно впиской)

Очень думающий парень, совершенно не доставляющий неудобств в жизни. Великодушно кормил наших котов, пока мы сами были а отъезде. Очень любопытил касаемо Самары, да и других более абстрактных вопросов.

Всячески рекомендую Андрея во всех его проявлениях)

serjey 16 November 2023

Алексей прекрасный, очень интересный хост, живет самом центре, есть с ним о чем поговорить, в общем, все на 100% хорошо.

Вписал Сергея мимолётно, мероприятие состоялось высокой степени организованно. Опыт и знания идут под руку с Сергеем 🤝

Анастасия Ева 25 August 2023

Лесная Долина супер жеский стильный комфортный чел с супер жескими стильными комфортными котами с супер жестко стильной женой и с супер жеска крутым комфортным пространством.
Рассказал о Самаре и показал чё крутого! Короче кайф

Merhaba 👋 tanıştığıma memnun oldum! Güzel adam! Akıllı bana faydalı olacak şeyleri öğretti . Teşekkürler 🙏 решил написать по турецкий :)

I was hosted by Maksat in Istanbul (the host references goes by mistake haha). I praise him for the help! He was really easy to go, and provided total flexibility for me. Besides, there were other couchsurfers, so we were in a kinda travel community at his place.

Maksat is very friendly guy, and very welcoming to his guests. I liked the location as well, a pretty Turkish-style hood)

Maksat does arts (filming and photography), so craftful person are also welcome, they will find much incommon with him. I like this bohemian vibes at all.

I strongly recommend Maksat to everybody, thank you, my friend!

Aleksey is a good, positive guy, erudite, cheerful, sociable, punctual, cultured.
It was interesting to host him🤩😇!!

Amer – is my best Syrian experience. I enjoy meeting him and his family so much!

Amer's specialization is tour guide, he is really crazy and passionate about that. He really loves opening his native country to everybody, and is very knowledgable about the past and the present of Syria. Besides of that, he's speaking a bunch of languages, so you would definitely establish connection with Amer.

I have stayed with his family, and this stay was so comfortable and admirable! This fact made me to stay twice more than I was planning) Everyday I were returning back from the city like it was my own home. Amer's parents shared their time for me and provided a pile of information from their own past life in Syria, and cooked delicious home food at the same time. Everything was made in the best for their guests.

Amer, thank you so much for your message! You know, of course, that their would be no Syria for me without you. I wish you good luck with your guide passion, I wish you the best guests and safe adventures. Let's do Syria better!

1000% recommendations for this cool and wise guy! Such a big shukran for you and your family!

The guys were awesome, they were responsible respectful, would like to host them again. Also they were very interested in Lebanon , and we had great conversation through out the trip.

I'm super lucky to meet Hisham in Lebanon! He is the first and the most important person for me in the whole country, and I have no doubt in that!

Hisham easily speaks Russian and English, as well as other languages. Communication was so easy, besides of the fact he is so easy-going with any other person :) Hisham has lived his life in special conditions of Middle East, and his life experience effects the wideness of his scope and freedom of his opinion. So, in every point, he can help you with getting the sense of arabian life, and the intricacies of Middle East.

We hanged out greatly for two days around the south of Lebanon. Hisham has a car and provided us full-vip assistance by guiding,, discovering the places and helping with local stuff and language. So Hisham is acting as a real couchsurfing heart. For each second I'm trusting him in every question.

Hisham is my lovely friend, and I strongly recommend him to the community. Welcome to Lebanon, and enjoy your time with Hisham truly!

Thank you, habibi:)

We had a short time together but they were super cool. Thank you for your stay. Good luck and stay safe.

I've met Mimi in an ancient city Tyre (Sour) after a great day around the south of Lebanon. Mimi was busy that day, but afterwards she waited for us and friendly invited us to her place. We have met at the flat, and shared the long evening conversations, describing the whole day, Lebanon, other countries and other situations. Mimi is a very wise woman with wide life experience, so you'd better to turn your mind on and give your best :)

If you'd be lucky enough, you could also have a chance to take a ride around Tyre with Mimi, since she's allowed for some special places of the city and surroundings. Which special places? That's a secret before you come :)

Mimi is the ambassador of CS in Tyre, so do not waste your time and scroll the hosts – just throw a message to her! I'm very proud of meeting Mimi, and thank you for your help! Cheers!

06 April 2023

Если вы путешественник, однако не бывали в Лесной Долине... вы еще мало путешествовали...
Хозяин лесной долины наикрутейший мужик!

Сергей Кузьмин 21 February 2023

Вписывался у Алексея в феврале 2023. Всё прошло прекрасно, квартира в самом центре города, а сам Лёша интересный собеседник и гостеприимный хозяин. Спасибо!

03 February 2023

Вписывался сам и помогал вписаться знакомым. Однозначно рекомендасион! Приезжайте - не пожалеете)

Лёша с Аней, приятные и теплые ребята, у них уютное арт гнездышко в центре Самары с двумя шикарными котами-пирожками:)

Ребята помогли спланировать вылазку на природу, где в итоге мы шикарно кайфанули и очень полюбили Волгу! :)

Спасибо, за гостеприимство и радушие, увидимся:)

I was hosting Airat and Liza, and they both went really easy! They are skilled folks and know hitchhiking and commune rules. Airat has met a lot of places I still dream of, so his stories about the destinations worked so inspiring for me^_^
It was a short, but powerful and funny stay, I would like to help them any other time, and meet everywhere! Good luck and peace!

Я очень рад что встреча состоялась, Табак и его девушка Аня очень классные)
Благодаря им я узнал Самару с другой стороны)
I am very glad that the meeting took place, Tabak and his girlfriend Anya are very cool)
Thanks to them, I got to know Samara from the other side)

Alexander is a nice young guy. He is just in the very beginning of his travel career, and this fact improves the youthness of the interaction. I remember myself being on my first travel to lake Baikal — just as well as Alexander today — and that makes a good nostalgia sense.

Alexander is also super-easy to go, he dealt with my homies and was ready for any stir (graffiti writing unfortunately went wrong because we have overslept ha-ha 🤡).

It was my honor to be the first host for Alexander, I hope I have gave him some knowledge about CS and tripping basically. If anything else is needed, you can call me anytime!
Cheers, Sanya!

Написал Леше запрос уже ближе к ночи, но не смотря на это, отлично и быстро принял меня. Необычная квартира надолго останется в моей памяти. Есть милые и дружелюбные котики. Спасибо тебе за прием! Пиши и приезжай в гости

Ruslan occasionally blasted into my place for a night) On a long way he asked just for a place to rest, and I could resist allowing that. He arrived late, but made sure it would not bother me. He was also helpful about the house, and ok with bringing some food. Sportiness and hiking is also another thing to be recommend him. It was a short stay, but I can 100% prove Ruslan to be a nice tough guy! Cheers, and good luck everywhere!


You have been the real support in the hour of need. I really had fun with you. The way supported me for internet and took me to enter your university, is much appreciable. Thank you for the delicious Georgian dinner. Would love to meet you again. Whenever you are in india. Pls .call me and be my guest.

Though, I could spend much time with Anya and we had little interaction due to her sickness but still whatever chat we had together, that makes it easy for me to understand that she is a nice and welcoming girl.

Thank you for everything

Danish have come to my place while travelling in Russia. He is very curious and discovered a lot about Russia before visiting here! So it was my pleasure to uncover him a bit more about my country.

He is really easy to deal with. Helped at home a lot and was very calm with everything. He has also described his mind and opinion, which I found really knowledgeable. I appreciate that.

I'm happy to know that I had a chance to meet Dinesh and help him with russian adventures. Super welcome to Russia and my place! Cheers!

Когда друзья мне сообщили, что договорились о месте ночлега в Самаре - я была рада.
Когда же я узнала, что я останавливаюсь у Лёши, с которым мы заочно знакомы из проекта ДДВ в Александрии, то была приятно удивлена.
А когда оказалось, что Лёша с Аней живут в оооочень крутом Арт-дворике в самом центре Самары, то восторг от увиденного долго стоял на моём лице!
Сами ребята ну настолько классные, творческие, интересные, что описать всё это у меня не хватит слов! Приятно вести беседы (когда ребята не заняты работой, а работают они много), а про Самару знают почти всё, поэтому подсказать места 'must visit' они легко смогут именно под ваш запрос.
Что касается дома - это отдельное произведение искусства - можно только сутки потратить на разбор всех мелочей (открытки, надписи, рисунки, магнитики, различные элементы нетривиального декора и т.д.) и всего не рассмотреть. Коты дополняют антураж пространства.

Безмерно благодарна вам за гостеприимство и заботу! Спасибо и до встречи!

Katya is skilled and mindy girl. I was super easy about hosting her at my place, she easily made friends with me, my gf and cats.

Katya has ran a travel project in Alexandria just a month after me, and we lost our chance to meet in Egypt — but meeting in Samara was so nice as well.

No worries, dealing with Katya’s lots of fun and energy, so I’ll try to catch here back somewhere else. Good luck with all the stuff! Always welcome!

24 January 2022

У Лесной долины вписывался еще в 2016г в поздней осенью и помню все в деталях по сей день, хороший отзывчевый парень, было интирестно проводить время в месте, приятный собеседник, покозал мастер класс как пройти в высотное сдание через вахтершу. Сделал эскурсию по своему универу, и увидел как устроено Самарское высшее оброзование. Спасибо за гостеприимство был бы рад Лестного принять в гости у себя в Беларуси, надеюсь мы еще увидимся.

Оооо, старый-добрый Алексей! Вписывался у меня тьму лет назад. Забавный общительный парень,ходил ко мне в универ, просвящался наукам. Всегда находил, чем себя занять. Думаю, успешно находит и до сих пор! Рад был вписать Алексея, welcome back to Samara хах!

Lesnaya is friendly and helpful guest. I enjoyed being a host to him. As a conscious guest there was no need to remind him about our community house rules and to ask for necessary help.

Zhorzh had arranged a host for every traveler near to Alexandria, and probably it was the strongest motivation to visit Egypt! He is a very skilled guy, experienced in many fields of mankind consciousness. You would probably get a chance to meet George while his trip, or at his place — feel confident to write and go!

I praise George for his help and for an awesome New Year 2022 in Alexandria! شكرا، صديق!

Very nice person, I hope to see you again my friend

Lesnay it's very good person its very nice time

I've met Lesnaya and 2 other friends, we used to walk eat and drink juice. I really had enjoyable time with you guys
Looking forwad to see you again!

Belal is that kind of person you would definitely be excited about! Hard sports activity makes him so special — he has made a couple of semi-marathons, “iron man”’s and other — and watches the students to be healthy as he is!

This is not very typical for couchsurfing — you rarely can meet people here from outside of total traveling experience. And each meeting of this kind is remembered for a long time.

We have met with Belal shortly in the city just for a walk. While a nice overview of the city and catching for some falafel, we had a thoughtful talk of Egypt, Russia and common life. Besides of being sporty, Belal is also a smart and kind guy. Making new friends is so easy sometimes!

Thank you, Belal! I wish you the full marathon as soon as you would like to! Cheers ;)

Well i don't know how can I starting , but this guy has meet with all elements of being nice and kind and easygoing which is make me so happy as long as I'm talking and walking to him ,and so we had a nice conversation that was about all aspects of Egypt and ancient but the most unforgettable experience is that when we walked in unknown place which was art gallery space that's what we knew later 😅🤦🏽‍♂️, and so i would like to recommend him to anyone who is interested in have a great conversation with the most knowledge person ive ever met with so far , hopefully we can meet again bro

Mahmoud is a very funny and desperate guy! I was very pleased to meet him in Cairo. He told me a lot about Egyptian lifestyle, and we could easily got the common sense about any other stuff. He is full of jokes and stories to go. The only case — do not offer falafel to this guy!

Take care, bro, and feel success in every purpose!

Был принят в Самаре пару-тройку ночей и дней и в целом достойно.
Здесь молодой человек на своём пути в жизни.
В контакте рассчитывайте на свободу, ожидание всего. О чем Алексей и дает знать заранее.
Повезет, Вы встретитесь. Мне повезло, хоть время прошло от договоренного, уже собирался идти.
В прочем всё замечательно, общение с душой, условия простые, со вкусом, настоящая открытость, отличные друзья. Очень качественный рассказчик, лаконично, насыщено, с толком.
Участие в делах и помощь ровно сколько корректно.
Позитивное впечатление, польза увидеть взрослое отношение к жизни и могу рекомендовать такую встречу каждому доброму человеку в мире.

I was very pleased to host Andrey! He stayed at my place for three days easily, was very convenient and polite. He even welcomed my other couch guests while I was absent:) Thank you, Andrew, wish you good luck and easy-peasy!

Табак принял меня на две ночи, рассказал про самые клëвые нетуричтические местечки в городе (которые я к сожалению так и не успела посетить) и вместе с ним и его друзьями мы совершили маленькое однодневное путешествие в Управу, частично на клевом красном джипе, частично своими ногами по зеленым самарским холмам, было славно, честное слово
В целом ребята творческие, ненапряжные, но из-за их большой кучи дел, работ и моего недолгого пребывания, мы не успели так уж много поболтать
Но мне делали овсяночку по утрам, подарили кальций и давали рисовать своими красками
Ребята творческие, и дворик у них это, конечно, тоже что-то невероятное
Большое спасибо Табаку и Ане, и не болеть вам 🐥

Понравилось. Приняли нас по-простому и дружелюбно. Потрясный арт-дворик у дома, оригинальный творческий интерьер в квартире.
С утра показал, как добраться до нужного места, помог с сумками.
Огромная благодарность, ждем в гости у нас на Алтае✨☀️

Алла была очень пунктуальна и вежлива, заранее сообщила о времени приезда, даже извинилась за поздний визит) Дома никаких проблем не было, угостила вкусными алтайскими травами — чему я очень рад! С удовольствием приеду в гости на Алтай!

О, Леша крутой!

Пересекался с Табаком в ЛД, впечатления от человека наиприяинейшие. Он там помогал делать ремонт, спокойно, продуктивно и очень аккуратно.

Вписывался в летающем доме в Ткуарчале с Денисом. Работящий парень, мы с ним делали ремонт хозяйке, пока остальные наслаждались прогулочками ☝️
Всё у Дениса чётко и по делу. Моё уважение

10 May 2021

Лучшие вписки у Табака

Alex and Anya had staying in my home for a few days. We met each other in Samara half of year before. unfortunately we can not meet. Then they arrived to Kamchatka and I’ve been so glad to our meeting finally:) Guys had a lot of plans and I trying help them as much as I can. It’s worth noting everything worked out for them. Almost:) I think it’s like that because they have a good karma! Definitely recommend everyone of them team for meeting, hosting and living:))) thanks guys for good time to spending with you! See you somewhere;)

I’ve met Anton occasionally in Samara even before planning my trip to Kamchatka. It was such a surprise to meet him! So after a while I made my way to Kamchatka, and Anton helped me a lot with that.

He has a flat in a very nice place with easy start outside the city to all the best destinations. His flat is full of travelers, each evening we were discussing some crazy ideas about this crazy volcano area.

Anton is also a researcher in geoscience, and he can tell a lot about volcano activity and other fossil data around Kamchatka. He is lucky enough to come to the eruption of Klyuchevskaya for his researches while I’ve made my route to the volcano on my own.

I was very pleased meeting Anton in Kamchatka, and will definitely take my chance to meet again! Thank you, and cheers!🌋

Кандидат наук сделал нам пару розеток🙂
Отличный гость: тактичный, чистолюбивый, веселый и всегда готов помочь.
Встречали вместе 21 год. Если занесет в наши края в теплое время -- рады принять.
Лёгких дорог и теплых хостов❤

Although Sonya doesn’t have much guests abroad, I’ll leave my reference in English so each foreigner would know such a great place in Abkhazia!

I have met “Flying Home” occasionally and understood that’s worth the game. Tkvarcheli is a special place, and it attracts special people. Among the vast abandoned spaces, Sonya decided to save the city and utilize the ruins. Such a cozy place she has made neighboring to devastated buildings which were left during the war for 30 years already.

Sonya’s “Flying Home” is always full of guests. I’m happy about dealing with people, so her place was awesome for me. We have spent new year in Tkvarcheli with up to 18 person, how do you like it?;)

Sonya’s always eager about her guests, she will tell a lot about the place and the locals. You’d definitely get the “special” mining atmosphere of the city and suburbs, and will always have a place to stay and relax. Thank you, Sonya, and cheers!

Very funny and interesting person! I had really very great time with him especially his peanut butter its awesome . I am waiting you to host you in India Man 🙏🏼

I was pleased to host Naren, and that's even pity that his arrival to Samara was so short.
Naren is wise and skilled at self-realization. He came to join an ayurveda seminar, and probably he spent it in a best way!
I'm thankful for his little souvenirs, and hope he also got super-positive experince from meeting Samara.
Good luck on your way!

Лёша, Аня и их два кота - супер гостеприимная семья. В их доме действительно рады каждому и каждой, кто пришел с благими намерениями.
Касательно города, Лёша все расскажет и подскажет. Его двор - особенно годный спот на карте Самары.

Veronika is discovering Russia while covid’s closing the gates of foreign countries. This is a great idea obviously, and I easily helped her to follow the aspiration.

Veronika was lucky enough to come to me during a definitely awesome period! She visited a street-art exhibition at my yard, another art-space near the hood, made friends with my friends — and lots of other details.

She has easily integrated into my routine life, and, no doubt, I could host her more’

Алексей быстро откликнулся на мой запрос и разрешил остановиться у себя,Табак ты классный чел,я рад был познакомиться,пообщаться,если когда-нибудь будешь в Новосибирске,жду в гости!)
Алексей проживает в центре города,квартира это такое творческое место,а также дворик,я прям залипал на это арт пространство
Спасибо за все!
Если еще раз буду в Самаре,обязательно загляну в гости)

Valentine is a brave and powerful guy. He got in numerous situations while traveling within our big country, and made all the situations in the best way! Cold hitchhiking, animal rushing, touring, music giging and lots of other scurry stuff made him a wise boy and good friend. He had easily made friends with my homies in the hood, and the only night of Valentine in Samara was funny enough 🥳
I’m super welcome him again at any time!

Больше всего на меня произвела впечатление сама квартира, которая полностью отражает Лёшу как очень творческую и интересную личность. Табак рассказал мне много любопытных и полезных вещей, в том числе и о самой Самаре. Не могу не отметить также местоположение квартиры, в самом сердце этого уютного города. Я бы с удовольствием однажды остановилась ещё у тебя) Рада, что в Самаре есть такие творческие личности, которые стремятся к чему-то новому и неизведанному. Без сомнения рекомендую такого гостеприимного хоста, как Табак :)

Юля очень смелая девушка, приезжала ко мне не просто так, а сразу с первого раза покорять Самару и с вещами:) Достаточно быстро сориентировалась на местности, и за пару дней обзавелась жильём, работой, моими друзьями — вот это поворот!
Будем обязательно видеться ещё, мы ж теперь почти соседи:)

Пожалуй мое пребывание в Самаре является самым необычным и не стандартным. Рекомендую посетить Самару и постараться встретиться с хозяином хоста. Табак, ты крутой тип, рад что познакомились

Roma was a very special guest at my place. He is a wise and staid guy, who follows his own way, and definitely knows the destination. He stayed calm, and we easily caught the mind.
Btw, Roma liked Samara and promised to cone again — and welcome every day!

Мистер табак очень интересный человек. Ощущение, будто бы в его жизни было в 5 раз больше событий, чем в жизни любого другого человека. Квартира в центре, очень удобно и практично. Очень забавные котята, не дадут заскучать. Рекомендую)

Zhenya visited my place the previous day his long two-month trip used to finish. I was responsible enough to give him a chance to push up the most important and necessary part of each experience: to reflect all the emotions and to lone about everyday ordinary life. I hope I passed this exam!

Zhenya is a young funny guy, he prefers to go into everything and really curious about that. His mindset turns out to be dramatically widespread, since he covers a couple of thousands of his instafollowers with common routine, but so sincere situations.

I’m sure he’ll take advantage about future, so, please, be lucky enough to share his way, don’t hesitate!

It was a nice time meeting Alexey. We stayed at his place for two nights, the room is full of artistic things in which you can get lost just wondering how many things are there. I was feeling a little sick, so we didn't talked that much. In the evening as he got free, he took us to show some of the sightseeings in the city. Hope we meet again, when I'm already fine.
Thanks again for hosting!

Vaibhav used to come to me with his friends on a long way back home after faraway trip. He felt a bit exhausted after catching a cold in our typical russian weather. But we easily managed to keep an eye on our sick friend, and I hope Vaibhav took it easy to spend time in my overcrowded place. Boud’ zdorov, buddy, and welcome again to Samara at any time!

Очень творческая атмосфера в доме, Леша общительный, интересный собеседник. Любит Самару и может многое о ней рассказать)) Лёгкий в общении и с хорошим чувством юмора😁 Если не уедет в Тайвань, обязательно заеем на обратном пути)))

Alyona and her friends came to me on their interesting trip within Russia. We have unpredictably decided to spend more at my home, and enjoyed some special places of Samara and surroundings. Alyona’s full of power and ideas, easily fit her plans to make the best from Samara. And the dishes she cooked were also pretty eatable and tasty — so, I enjoyed hosting them as well! Thank you, guys, let’s see what surprises will the fate bring to us in the future! If I’m in Samara, you know the route. Good luck!

Алексей позволил мне остаться в его квартире, хотя он должен был работать в течение дня, что было очень любезно! Мы много общались на различные темы. Очень интересный человек с большим опытом путешествий. Жилье у Алексея очень необычное, уютное, похоже на арт пространство. В комнате царит творческая обстановка.
Есть большой двор, там есть кресло, в котором здорово сидеть на свежем воздухе. За углом центральная пешеходная улица.
Самый центр.
Алексей, Спасибо за возможность пожить в таком крутом месте!
Буду рад увидеться снова!

Alexei let me stay at his apartment even though he had to work during the day, which was very kind! We talked a lot on various topics. A very interesting person with extensive travel experience. Alexey’s housing is very unusual, comfortable, like an art space. The room has a creative atmosphere. There is a large yard, there is a chair in which it is great to sit in the fresh air. Around the corner is a central pedestrian street. The very center.
Alexey, Thank you

I have hosted Sergey for two days at my place. Being extremely flexible, he shifted his visit to Samara for a day just to fit my schedule. And I hope it wasn’t in vain!
Sergey really curios about travelings, and asked me tons of clarification in hitchhiking, countries, Samara, people and even my occupation. Sergey has really specific interest in industrial and cultural movements!
I could easily host him much longer, but brand new adventures were calling to the further south. Sergey for sure devotes himself for exploration, and never stops doing the things he prefers to do. Nice guy and definitely worth visiting again with try. Cheers, man!

Леша очень выручил, за что ему большое спасибо. Самые необычные апартаменты за мой опыт каучсерфинга)

I have hosted Andrey for a day only. It was enough to find out him very knowledgeable and wise. Besides of being an elder generation, his mind is still young (bravissimo!). And that helped me once more to memorize a very important thing — that people are awesome, and nothing is impossible!
Thank you, Andrey! Good luck!

Если вы хотите познакомиться с необычным человеком, насладиться всей атмосферой его дома и узнать про самые атмосферные места города, то вам точно к Лёше!

Он очень приятный и лёгкий в общении, а в его двор водят экскурсии, стоит ли ещё что-то говорить о доме Лёши? Да, стоит. Во дворе, может, и были многие, но настоящая сказка - это его квартира. Я уверен, что его точно можно назвать успешным, ведь у Лёши в одной комнате висит сразу 2 светофора! И если оставляете открытку, то кладите её просто на стол, иначе она затеряется среди сотни арт-объектов его дома.

А если вам повезет, он угостит вас вкусным чаем и своей арахисовой пастой!

Так что заглядывайте к Лёше, если ищите необычную Самару!

I took really easy to host Maksim. He came with his girlfriend after an unsuccessful hitchhiking from another region, and was very accurate while tracking their plans and dates. At home, we had no issues about sharing the only room for three of us — just because the folks are so easy to go.

No doubt I would host them later. Keep reaching your goals and expanding the possibilities! Cheers!

Very interesting interlocutor, versed in science, economics, art.
wonderful person! Good character)

I know Katya for a long time, and I’m leaving this reference to give her an opportunity to start travel using this lovely Couchsurfing. She definitely deserves anyone’s hospitality, since she helped me a lot while my flawless being, and sometimes she hosted my guests as well! Each person is welcome to widen his horizons and help Katya exploring the world — I’m really relying on you, folks!

Веселый и позитивный хост.) С радостью приехал бы ещё раз!

Everything went super easy with Sergey! I’ve hosted him for three days, all the time he brought no worries and shared his routine in a friendly manner. BTW writing poems I find a delightful habit, and wish Sergey to be maximum inspired all the time.

Очень дружелюбный и отзывчивый молодой человек, всегда готов пойти навстречу гостю. Не могу не отметить удобное расположение дома и наличие большого количества транспортных остановок поблизости, что так же делает проживание очень комфортным! Останавливаюсь у Лёши и его девушки не в первый раз, и с удовольствием побывала бы у ребят снова :)

I’ve hosted Alice twice already, such an occasion! For a while ago she was with her friend, and the next trip alone followed then.
She’s really easy, no bother and no mess, just a very tidy little girl) Probably next time I’ll be hosting her for much longer, let’s see!

Alex war CS Gast für 1 Nacht bevor her weiter nach Leipzig fuhrt, er spricht sehr gut English. Ich kann er erpflehlen, er hat schon viel erfahrung mit Reisen.
Alex est un jeune homme interressant, parlant parfaitement Anglais, ce qui facilite la communication. je peux le recommander comme bon CS.
It was nice meeting Alex as he stopped in Berlin on his way to Leipzig for 1 night. Communication was easy as he speacks very good English, he is already an experienced traveller.
Nice discovery further.

I was very lucky to be chosen by Regine this time! She responsibly answered my public request, and was really eager to help me with everything. The tips to find her worked well, we have easily met near the flat. She was also curious about my life, the purposes, directions and further plans — I’m opened to everyone, and we shared our points of view respectively.
The flat is really cozy and located in Kreuzberg/Mitte — a very good choice to explore the city by walk.
Thank you for letting me inside your life for a day! Powerful wishes for you!

Огромное спасибо Лёше и Ане за гостеприимство! Очень классную атмосферу они создали в своём уютном жилище, а фильмы на потолке навсегда останутся в памяти. Вы крутые, ребят! Творческие и горящие к жизни. Успехов ❤️

Hey, I’m honored to write the first Xusha’s reference!
Luckily, Xenia decided to hop through Russia, and after a short trip to Karelia arrived to Samara. I haven’t seen anybody curious about traveling along Russia for a long time, but she was brave enough to explore motherland while winter. We hung out a little, besides of been busy I spent to evenings with her. She’s really curious about the surroundings, and we had lots of stuff to discuss. I gonna easily host her if she like Samara enough to return) Good luck!

Было очень интересно познакомиться с творческими и дружелюбными Алексеем и Аней. Дома у них андеграунд в чистом виде (настоящее арт-пространство, а не просто комната). Спасибо огромное за гостеприимство, открытость и приятное общение, за ощущение погружения в новый мир и радость от новых знакомства. А еще - за вкуснейшую арахисовую пасту и за картину, которую мы успешно довезли до дома :)
Вы клевые!

I hosted Sasha&Alice for two days really easy! They chilled at my place after miles of puddles under rains, and I was happy to save them. Btw, girls are super unusual, they see the world from a shifted point and a like that so much. So, I had no problem it spending even more time with them, but unfortunately it were only two short days)
Take care, and cheers!

Le Va (❤️ surf a CS) 17 November 2019

Очень круто ! Мне понравилось! Отозвался на запрос почти сразу. Довольно эрудированный и добрый, с хорошим опытом путешествий.
Рад был познакомиться! Спасибо за гостеприимство! )

Very cool man! He have good experience of travelling. Nice to meet you! Thank you for everything! )

Nice guy and super easy guest! Lenar is curious about lots of things, and we spent interesting time at my place. Would definitely host him again! Cheers, mate! Удач во всём)

TANYA. (❤️ surf a CS) 31 October 2019

Неординарный, открытый, интересный Лёша живёт-дышит полной грудью и летит в потоке. Ооочень рада знакомству и прогулке.

It was really a pleasure to host Lesnaya (Alex) in our house. We had nice chats and we spent nice time together. He was also flexible and had no problem adapting to our messy schedule time. We would definitely host him again and maybe, one day, could visit him in Russia. See you, Alex! ;)

The best choice I've ever made was to write Martina! Before this I had no idea about Italy, but I was sure to start my acquaintation with the country from Pordenone with the help of Martina and Alessio. And I was totally right! They've made my trip great in everyting, with tasty dishes, funny friends and easy rides to neighbour towns. It was truly a super cozy, as well as super long (5 nights) couchsurfing stay. I'm happy to meet these lovely people and to know they're going alright. In this little friendly city Martina&Alessio are the most hospitable people for sure!

I wish the best for you, and follow your dreams! Hope to see you later. Za zdorovie!:)

Lesnaya is honestly such a great person! He took me and my friends to his place and totally made us feel like at home. After taking care of all his important tasks, even though it was late, he went with us for a walk. Showed us a little bit of the city and organized a tour in an abandoned house. On top of if, we got a jar of peanut butter (home made) as a gift! You can also talk with him about anything, because he wants to know as much as he shares from his own (amazingly wide) experience.

Thank you Lesnaya for such a great time!

I'm very pleased to know Marta! She and her lovely friends were partying my place up for two times, and I'm definitely proud of it! They were doing their crazy Asian trip, and that's great I had a chance to help them. Before this I had only one friend in Gdansk, but now I have a strong wish to come back to Gdansk and party back with my new community! See you, guys, and cheers!

Согласился принять мою подругу, пока я ездила в соседний город. Подруга довольна. Спасибо!

I had a chance to host Nastya's friend at my place for a couple of days. She was calm and quite, done everthing in the nicest way and gave me no reasons to worry about. Nastya was keeping in touch at every moment, so we had no problem at all. They are brave girls and extremely enduring with hitchhiking to Vladivostok for two months.
Anyone is strongly advised to host Nastya without any doubt!

I am grateful to Alexey for help. He is an experienced, active traveler, told a lot, although he was in business. Unusual, cozy refuge in the center of Samara, near the embankment.

Denis is very polite and calm man. He was really easy about being hosted, and made me feeling comfortable. He’s also very willing to study and discover. So, I will surely recommend anyone to have a chance meeting him!

Лёша весёлый, интересный парень. С удовольствием поделился опытом своих путешествий, дал много дельных советов. Живёт в самом центре, очень удобно для осмотра Самары. Был рад знакомству!

Sergei is a nice guy. It was really easy to host him, and I will definitely help him again when he’s back to Samara. Good luck with your trip, mate!

We had dinner together and nice conversation with Alex. Reccomendable

I enjoyed time with Ewa so much! She was the only person to accept my request, while tons of declines made me feeling disappointed. Really easy to go, we met in the city at a very special exhibition, and I improved my knowledge in some specific areas and social communities) Ewa have found a great event, and she knows what to do!
When she has hosted me, I was greeted like a king with pleasant super healthy supper and cozy private two-stored room. You gonna have everything in the best way if you gonna be lucky enough to meet Ewa in Berlin)
Btw, she’s very educated person, speaks a number of languages (much more then poor me;) and is interested in features of peoples’ lives. While the supper we had a very nice late talk, and this’s the only reason I prefer Couchsurfing community! Thank you, Ewa, for being a part of this, and for making my Berlin better) I will definitely ask the fate to make us meet again! Take care!

Be aware of Alex, he is a crazy Person! But in a good way. So if you are looking for some interesting insights in Samara, secret places, deep conversations and friendly people, he is your guy. If you don't mind suddenly ending up staying at his friends place because she wants to improve her English and you your Russian and she has the more comfortable Couch, even better, you will have one of the best times.
If you jou just want to spend a quiet time by yourself, better look for another place, but if you got so far to reading this reference, that probably isn't what you are searching for anyway xD

Leo is such a nice guy! He made friends with all my friends easily, and we hung out pretty powerful for two days. Leo is strong in his will, he was confident enough to spend the whole month in Russia!) He prefers to discover, and this month turned out very useful for him. And it was my pleasure to be a part of this discovery.
Anyone with a chance to meet him should definitely do this! I guarantee you the best experience with Leo)
Take care, man, and good luck)

Алексей очень интересный, дружелюбный и гостеприимный человек!
Дал советы по нашему дальнейшему путешествию, было приятно познакомиться))
Рекомендую остаться у него 😌
Очень необычный дом 🤘🏻

Nastya and her friend Anya visited me in Samara on their long and enjoyable trip to the south.
Both of them are doing skydiving, and this’s fckng awesome! The force of air is so exciting for me, and they’ve told me a lot concerning the jumps, the technology and the feeling one can have when parachute isn’t going to open. The fate have sent these lovely girls to me, and I’m so much thankful for this. As soon as I’m back to my city, I gonna force my own skydiving experience.

By the way, they’re really curious about the places they’re meeting, and we had a possibility to fix their future plans a little.

They’re really easy guests, if anyone should really catch the lucky chance to meet them and to host! Take care, girls!

Многое посоветовал. С жильем отказал и никого не рекомендовал.

I enjoyed alot

Дом - секретное убежище для конспирологических групп, который найдут только посвящённые. Но тем и примечательно данное место на задних дворах, где нередко собираются хорошие друзья хозяина дома. От меня большая благодарность ещё и за то, что хозяин смог справиться с задачей, с которой не справились организаторы концерта, ради которого я приехал в Самару. Спасибо большое! Обзвонить и собрать людей у себя дома на импровизированный квартирник ему не составило большого труда. Мы хорошо провели время. Поездка вышла не зря.
Очень рекомендую этого человека.

Паша - очень хороший и интересный человек. Я рад, что судьба позволила мне познакомиться с ним. Этот творческий человек имеет свои стойкие и глубокие убеждения, и всеми способами делится ими с миром. Остановившись у меня, мы неожиданно решили сделать сольный квартирник Паше, и это прошло колоссально!
Мощных людей тебе по пути, и побольше приятных сюрпризов) Всегда буду рад видеть тебя снова!

Спасибо что принял меня в Самаре у себя дома. С тобой и твоей девушкой было прикольно. Ты мне много рассказал о странах, и особенно об Азии. Желаю тебе удачи в изучении китайского языка)

Весёлый, разносторонний парень, жаль только не получилось в настолки поиграть)

I'm so happy that Dima was the first and only person I wrote at Surgut, and it was a great shot!
Dima was very welcoming for me, advised what to do in the city, to meet the friends and told some curious northern experience. We spent a day at a great extreme event with his friends base-jumpers, motoracers and others, and it was an awesome surprise for my birthday!
Btw, Dima's living in a little cozy village near the city, the forest and atmosphere there is so nice)
I strongly advise meeting Dima for everybody! Thank you for making my little trip, bro! Just tell me as soon as you're in Samara)

Jamin87 (❤️ host a CS) 29 January 2019

It was great having Alex and Vika stay at my place. They are fantastic CS guests to have over and came out to my favourite bar and met some friends of mine. it’s been a super chilled weekend with them and they really easily fit into your life - no fuss, no worries, just the good times! Thanks for doing the washing up! Saved my Monday! I hope to see you again on the road sometime, take it easy. Ben 🤪

Couchsurfing asks me what makes Ben special. Well, definitely everything Ben's doing makes him special! Just the first thing that he declined us, but later agreed to host us since we were in a real needee. He's traveling by himself and knows this feel of standing on a road for a long time and coming to the city with no place to stay.
So, Ben, you're so great for knowing the best way of traveling and making everybody great and awesome! Anyone gonna get the real easy peasy time in Riga with Ben. You really better to meet this epic guy!
The best for you, mate, and keep exploring) Don't forget about me before coming to Russia!

It was a pleasure to host Lesnaya. He's really kind and cheerful person. We talked a lot about his last travels. Lesnaya inspired me to go to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. He told me about live in Russia and about the differences between our countries. I'm glad that I met you :D
See you Buddy

Mateusz is such an active cheerful guy! He is doing lots of extreme hard stuff, that's not for sissies - shooting, biking, skiing, hiking and else and so on. I prefer this type of time-spending also, so we got the point of each other) Mateusz is very easy, just as soon as we met I felt him my buddy for a long time. Anyone should definitely meet him in Gdansk!
And thank you, mate, I'm really stupid that I haven't planned more days for Gdansk) The best for you!

ALEABRE (❤️ host a CS) 23 January 2019

Alex and Vika were an amazing light in my place. This PEOPLE IS AWESOME, i am so happy , that each of my Host, are such an amazing souls. Super energetic, open to life. I ve been super happy to host them, and fr sure, i will love to visit them. I feel the quality of FRIENDS with this people. Guys LOVE YOU!!

Wow, it'll be pretty hard to express all my feelings about Ale in a short reference, but I gonna make a try)
Actually, I'm sure Ale is the best which could happen in Berlin. His hood is great, his flat is cozy and impressive, his positive mind is radiating in every direction and strikes just into the heart! His experience can give you lots of things to discuss with yourself, so just adjust your brains and be ready to change the way of thinking, and then the whole world!
I needed much more time in Berlin, and anyone could be sure that two days are too less for hanging out with Ale)
My friend, please, keep enjoying the life and making the world better! I'm sure we gonna meet again! Take care!

Lesha stayed at my place with his girlfriend Vika for one night. They are super friendly, easy-going positive guys who are interested in travels and can share a lot of stories. They wanted to see as much places as possible being inspired by architecture and art. Lesha and Vika took me to a small tour in the city and even came to my job to listen to our choir :)
It was really nice to get known them and have them as guests! :) I wish you to meet a lot of amazing people on your way! See you in Russia or somewhere else;)

Lena is a great host! She accepted me rapidly, and since that Wroclaw went really great for us. Lena has a very interesting life with study abroad, singing in a chore, exploring the surrounding world and everything else. She gave us the tips for the next day, and it was a great offer! We felt so easy with her, and didn't want to leave Wroclaw without her) Thank you for this nice time, that's why I like Couchsurfing so much! The best for you, and do zobacenia!)

Lesnaya is nice guy with lot of interesting stories and wast knowledge. He is helpful with the chores.

I regret I couldn't spend more time with him. I recommend this surfer.

Jan is a great guy! We have lots of common things, so the stories of Jordanian travels, polish history or cost of renewable energy installation were among the interesting discussed topics. His place is so nice and cozy, and all the basic needs I covered there easily)
Thank you, my friend! I wish you getting Pakistani visa, doing your IT lightly and the best luck with Ukrainians) Do zobacenia, Jan!

Curious traveller. He came to my flat directly from the Israel trip with his girlfriend Vicka. We’ve spend nice evening chatting, eating “pierogi Russkie” and drinking vine. I have very positive impression about this couple: curious the world and discovering news about Gdańsk (especially nature, heating and water stuff). I wish you good luck 🍀 in Poland 🇵🇱

I'm so happy to meet Mirka! She helped me with renting a car in Gdansk, and then easily accepted my staying with her. Everything was really polite and cheerful, we contacted very punctual and easily found her home.
After a working day she cooked some pierogi for us, it was a total surprise! And the breakfast in the morning was the best one.
Mirka had very cozy and clean flat, which she designed by herself, by the way. My appreciation!
Basically, it was very nice time with Mirka, and I wish I would come to Gdansk more! Good luck, my dear friend, and see you definitely!)

A M (❤️ host a CS) 17 January 2019

It was really nice to meet and host Alex! He is really interesting and nice guy. He told me intereting travel stories about different cultures. We had a really nice time together. I would definately host him again because everything was really good! Thanks for everything.

I totally recommend Ahmad for everybody who wants to spend his time perfectly in Jordan! Ahmad wrote me, advised his great plan for riding a car and kept in touch for the whole time. So it was really easy to arrange our plans.
Riding the car to Dead Sea and other local places in Amman was extremely exciting! Ahmad's Silverado easily follows every direction, and anyone can go pretty far! And Ahmad's soundtrack for speedy riding is the best one, actually it made our trip!
So, everything was unbelievably exciting, and I strongly advise Ahmad as a must meet person in Amman. Prepare your helmets, buddies!

We didn't talk much, but I felt that Alex is a nice guy. Just be afraid of the Big Brother little less, and good luck!

I'm really thankful for Andrey for hosting me! It was a last minute request and I had no place to stay, and besides of Andrey had a difficult day and was really exhausted, he let me in. Everything in the flat was prepared, and I felt really easy.
Thank you, Andrey, for taking me from this sand storm and rain. Take care, and good luck!

Basel Mz (❤️ host a CS) 15 January 2019

Alex spent with me one night , but i can say that he is one of the best guests you can have , he is such a great story teller with lots of knowledge, he is very flexible and very respectful, i wished if he stayed longer , this guy is a real couchsurfur and friend

Basil is an amazing guy! He was the first to accept my request, and from that very moment I realized that Nablus and Palestine gonna be great for me!
Unfortunately, I planned too less days before the departure, so I had stayed with Basil for only one day. But it's really easy to hang out with him in this delightful city for the whole week!
Basil is beer experienced and curious about lots of different things. His English is near to perfect, and the same is the house! It will be hard sometimes to find his villa, but the game totally worths the candles!
Thank you, Basil! Manage your Russian visa and come to see this exciting nature and the kind people) But the Palestinians even kinder, of course, and I'm happy to have this kind of experience!

Alex is a very talkative and friendly guy from Russia, who knows a lot about many many different subjects. He can tell a lot of stories, about travels, science and other things, in a funny and interesting way. I hope that our ways will meet again!

Shaul, my dear friend! Thank you so much for the assistance!
Shaul replied me in an easy and quick way, he was the only one to host me in the whole Jerusalem. He is open for contact and easy to go, we had a lot of things common and spent the evening while discussing the political situation in Palestine, students in Russia and Israel and other things. He is extremely knowledgeable and wise, so you can improve your IQ point a little after one night at Shaul's place! And, by the way, the house is situated in such a beautiful district, I felt like in Victorian Britain there!
Thank you again, my friend, and good luck! Always welcome to Russia! Shalom!

Alex is one of the most likeble persons I have met , friendly, smart, funny, beautiful Saul , he stayed with me for 2 nights , he is helpful, clean and super friendly, my friends all liked him allot . I am looking forward to seeing him again.
You'll be lucky to host him
Miss him already:)

I'm so happy to meet Ilan! Actually, he is the most interesting and fantastic that happened to me in the whole Israel!
I cannot say lots of words here, since they are priceless. The only point is that you definitely need to meet Ilan. And be prepared for totally different experience you've ever known. Gallery in breathtaking place with the Mediterranean from the window, art objects, crowds of friends and strangers, and Ilan's like the director of this documentary movie!
Thank you, my friend! It's a great mystery how fate is giving these nice gifts, and I like such surprises a lot. The best wishes for you, buddy!

Great guy, clean, tidy and fun

Dear David! Thank you so much for your help!
David has found me going to Jerusalem and invited me to visit Tel Aviv by the way. It was a great offer, and now I realize that coming to Tel Aviv was the best idea for me! Even I had no chance to meet David personally since he had emergency business in another country, he has sent me all the instructions and I could easily hangout with his roommates in the flat.
David has hosted a great number of people already, and always eager to help! I strongly advise anybody to try meeting this great man in Tel Aviv!
Cheers, my friend, and the best for you! Always welcome to my Samara city!

جيد صديقي العزيز رغم لم يكن لدي الوقت الكافي لاكن كنت سعيد جدان معكم

My dear brother Musa! He is the best person in Wadi Mousa! I'm so happy that we managed to meet him. Musa has a very big apartment and was very eager to help us at every day. Even when he was busy, he went to meet us and gave us the keys, which was very comfortable!
Musa, you're a powerful and furious guy, I would like to stay more with you and one day, probably, I'll come again to get into Petra for free! Take care, and the best for you, my friend!

Very good person welcome anytime bro.

Guys, you were really nice! Thank you for this nice hanging out in Madaba and I wish you much warmth in your flat while this cold winters. Bedouins and fellahs forever!

Lesnaya is such a good and positive person. During his staying in amman , we talked about many things in life. He has a very nice accent. He is honest and sympathy. I wish he would have enough time for future comes to visit me here in my beloved country. Everyting is be with your heart nice man :))

My dear friend Hamzeh! He helped us so much while being in Amman, was very kind and ready at every moment. He offered us the best choice cheap hostel in Amman since there was no possibility to come to his place, and I really appreciate this help!
Thank you, my friend, Jordan remains with the best memories for me! Shukran!

He is nice Pearson and friendly and helpful.
I wish the best for him and his friends.
All the best

It's my pleasure to write the first reference to this honoured man! Mafleh was so kind that he wrote me first after noticing my public trip. I decided to stay in Wadi Rum after his offer, and this was one of the best adventures in Jordan!
Mafleh and his family helped us bringing to their tent, sharing the food and showing the Bedouin life. Mafleh is a very intellectual and thoughtful person, so we had a mindful conversation while sitting around the fire in his beautiful tent. He brought us a lot of warm blankets and sleeping bags, so even at winter we felt very warm and cozy.
It was an unforgettable experience of one day Bedouin living, thank you for your hospitality and sharing your wisdom, dear Mafleh! I'm traveling for getting the moments like that day, and I hope it was useful for everybody of us! The world is much more beautiful with the people like you! The best wishes to you and your family (especially Salem and Suliman).

they were nice people , I would never forget my meeting with them, and I hope to meet them again, and I will not forget what he did to me when I forgot my phone in the park. He went with me and looked up with me and helped me find my phone. Thank you very much my dear brother, I hope to see you again, take care of yourself and your friends , I loved you so much

Lesnaya was a very nice person with her friends. Very polite, easy to get a long with a good personality. I wish them best of luck in their future travels.

MARYLJA (❤️ host a CS) 29 December 2018

Alex is a great guest, who will inspire you to travel or at least will share his stories with you.

I'm so happy that I've written Ruta! She is so helpful, perfectly described how I could get to her place, when we could meet, etc. And from the first hours meeting became so special! 70 kanoes, 3d-Christmas, Vilnius University backdoors, thousands of tips and lifehacks about Vilnius impressed me permanently. With her help I also managed my second day in the city, and it was the same great.
Everything was really easy and cozy with Ruta, it's definitely the must-met person in Vilnius! Thank you so much for your hospitality)

Hosting Alex was great. He joined with me and my friend on Christmas Eve and after that, we spent few hours discussing politics, world, life, basically everything. And that's how all the time we spent together went and I must say, it was really enjoyable. Alex knows a lot about everything, so it doesn't matter what the subject is, he can still contribute to the discussion with some interesting facts or approaches. He's up to do all kinds of crazy things but in the end, he has a good and kind heart. So of course, I'd totally recommend hosting him!
Take care and hope to see you again somewhere in the world!

It was the best decision to write Kate while going to Tallinn! While it was Christmas outside and everybody were consuming grögg, we've been solving the problems of society and looking for the ways of building utopia with brotherhood and solidarity (without any cops, of course). The next day gingerbreads were so crunchy and sometimes overroasted, I liked them as my own kids!
Btw, you're not lucky enough if you haven't got a chance to be hosted in this funny kindergarten (actually, I'm lucky).
Thank you infinitely for your lovely company while living in Tallinn and hitchhiking to Riga. I've heard that Tallinn is a fairytale on Christmas, and it definitely was! Good luck on your exciting way

He is very friendly and peaceful man.
I'm really excited after he's story and words. Alex jest stay with me one day
I got lots of things from him. He's very knowledgeable📓 one , he told his living experience in my country besides that he studied there.
Alex i hope are you happy with me that
time. I think are you happy because i try to my best gave you, I hope You See👀 again

***** yaseen *****

Yaseen is such a cool guy! He easily accepted my request and was very positively and punctually describing how and when we could meet. While coming to Riga I was sure that I have a second home there, and I definitely had! In the neighborhood of Yaseen's flat anyone can find perfect original Latvian districts, looking like pretty German style. Everything was so good, and the conversations with Yaseen and his friend were so exciting that I should 100% return to Riga to see them again. Maybe, even the next month, so hope you'll be glad to see me) Good luck, buddy!

Lesnaya is so adorable and pleasant to deal with.

Alex is one of the best guys I've ever known! He's my honest friend actually, we've done a lot of countries and destinations together, experienced a number of funny and exciting situations, and managed to survive after this) You should definitely be happy to meet Alex, because he's able to shine your life route and make it warmer! And the best for you, buddy!

Alex was the absolute best! Great communication, very considerate - he showed me around Samara when he had the chance - and I felt completely at home and amongst friends at his apartment. It was a brief but great stay.

It was a very good time with Steven! He stayed a night at my place, but we managed to find common language very easy and went through hundreds of themes. Steven is really thoughtful, and I was shocked with his knowledge of russian culture, movies, literature, etc. His cheerful mood makes everything looks much better)
Thank you, buddy, and take care about friendly good-looking gopniki on you way!

Lyosha and Vika are very friendly people, they know a lot about Samara, they recommended me where to go and what to see. The apartment is located in the city center near the Volga. Thank you for everything. I hope to see your again

Kostya is a very strong and confident guy! He followed house rules and made his stay really convient for us. It was no problem fo me, and I'll definitely host him again! Cheers, buddy, and thankyou for the military meals and cute magnets)

Очень приятные любознательные познающие мир молодые люди!
Очень благодарен ребятам что приняли меня у себя и тем самым предоставили возможность выспаться!!!
Добра вам ребята !!!!
Рад был знакомству!!!

Отлично провёл время с Александром! Весьма и весьма интересный человек , который оказался мне близким по духу и смог открыть мне некоторое количество новых знаний. Я теперь, кстати, учусь стоять на голове! Весьма бодрая методика, спасибо тебе и вообще, пиши ещё, если что надо будет) Удач!

Markyon (❤️ surf a CS) 16 September 2018

I was stayed for one night. Amazing flat on pedestrian street. I have really interesting talk with hosts - guys shared with me their travel experiences, discussed features of different countries. It would be pleasure to meet again! Thank you!

Kostya is such an interesting guy! He's pretty well at history, and I'm also curious about this, so we had a lot of things to discuss and discover. His genealogy experience is indispensible for me!
And even besides this historical issues, we had a funny time) We could get each other easily since we're thinking in the same way.
Continue exploring the world, man, you know that a lot of secrets and surprises are waiting for you! Take care!

maxsoso (❤️ surf a CS) 05 September 2018

Ради этого хоста стоило приезжать в Самару! Я не ночевал у него , но заходил в гости . Алексей показал мне достопримечательности Самары. Он открытый ,разносторонний творческий человек. А его квартира настоящий арт объект! Алексей так же опытный автостопер, дал мне подсказки как правильно и быстро выехать из города )
Если хотите не скучно провести время Самаре ! Только этот хост. 10 из 5!

Just this host is the reason to go to Samara!believe me !i haven’t spent night at his apartment, but I passed by to drink some tea!
Alex showed me city sights. And told a lot of funny stories. He is open smart , creative person !And his flat is an art object itself! Also Alex is experienced hitchhiker he showed me spots to leave Samara fast )
If you wanna spend not a boring time in Samara, you have to stay with Alex. Only this host 10 from 5 points !)

Max is actually a nice guy! That's great that his curiousity leads him to world's exploration! I'm sure that working in IT could easily afford you to travel within the whole planet) Good luck to you, buddy, and the best wishes on your way. Keep rollin!

Lesnaya and Vicka are amazing hosts. They are very friendly and welcoming, were happy to take us around Samara to show us some good spots. Lesnaya knows heaps of interesting things about the place which is an extra. They are very easy- going, thoughtful and helpful. Also, accommodating. We are very grateful to both for our wonderful stay of two days. We hope to see you guys again, maybe in Argentina ;)

Suddenly I've met two argentinians in my Samara boonies! It was so interesing to host Carla and Atu — I got lots of information about Patagonia, it's probably the most mysterious territory for me! We shared cooking, making up the house, walking time in the city — obviously, they we doing the best and I felt cozy together. They are surely nice folks and anyone definitely should help them hosting and hanging out) I hope your russian hitchhiking goes better!
The best for both of you, and hope to see your lovely houses which you're going to built at you own land!)

Alex is such a lovely guest to me , he spent 3 days with me in Chengdu , we explored some places together , tried some local food , played tennis , walked my dog .... full of nice memories :) He even fixed my door at home , I really appreciated that ! Alex is also a talkative person, he told me many interesting life experiences which makes him even more fun to get alone with :) It was really nice time to be with him. I hope this big sunshine boy can enjoy his long trip in China and be Safe! Wish we will meet in Russia or Georgia someday ! Remember you always have place to stay in Chengdu. Take care ! my dear Russian friend ^^

I'm so happy to meet Sophy! From the first message she was eager to help me and guide at every situation, and as soon as i entered Chengdu, unlimited hospitality has begun! The famous sichuanian food was tasted and famous atmospherical places were walked around, and rode around, and bicycled! I spent even more in Chengdu because it was so cozy with Sophy and her lovely dog Ultraman. Be careful, you 're going to like your time in Chengdu with Sophy very much!
i hope some time you would take tripping among Russia like among Iran already) take care, dear, and good luck!

Alex is a super interesting guy with many great stories to tell, and was a polite and considerate guest. Definitely a guy who's going to make the world a better place! Good luck!

Ben is an extremely good guy! I was really lucky to find him in Hong Kong. The whole evening and the whole day we spent talking about ways to improve society and civilization. Both of us gonna make these talks come true, in our fields of experience)

I strongly wish you good luck in this, Ben!
And great thanks for great hanging out while keeping these serious conversions) Hope your stomach is ok already after this crazy HK food)

Cool guy! Creative and ingenious. Man, don’t invent perpetuum mobile before the world becomes ready for it 🌚🌝 we both know what happened with Tesla (actually we don’t)

I'm really lucky to meet Sergey on my way through the life! Sergey already knowledgeable about the things I've just begun to learn. So, after the conversations i had lots of themes worth thinking about. You definitely better to meet Sergey)

Short stay, but could note that Lesnaya is a very nice person! Super flexible, kind and friendly! Hope to see you again! спасибо!

Hey, Alexandre, you're a nice guy! Welcome to Russia any time, and hit the proper goal) Best wishes, man!

Lesnaya is a friendly and generous host. He took me out for an interesting walk around some non-tourist places and also introduced me to some of his cool friends in other cities. Let me know if you if you ever make it to New Zealand mate :)

Ryan is a nice guy! Together we were surviving the great russian frying weather, and Ryan wes eager to explore the city even when other people were dying of heat strokes! Ryan can operate his brain, nobody was interested in russian space industry before this) I really wish you the remained travelling to be the best and to find the best routes in life!
Cheers, man, and good luck!

Don't even get me started on this guy. My trip to Russia would NOT be as fun, memorable, and exciting without this big-brained boy. Lesnaya, showed my friend and me EVERYWHERE in Samara. I lived the Russian lifestyle and I wish it wasn't so difficult to get back into the country. I truly miss him, his girlfriend, and all his friends. If you are looking for a fine fucking time, and Lesnaya isn't busy, you are in for an incredible treat. <3 much love

Corey (the russian name is Kolya) is the great man here! Transforming green forms into thoughtful jokes can put Corey in proper place everywhere! He spent four, or five, or I don't care how much days at mine, and this days were full of happiness and urban exploration. He helped me to get real russian experince by the way) Take care, man!

He was so awesome 👏!! He knows a lot things about move in russia and he always recommend u the best art museum. He and his gf really loves art and paint stuff.

So happy to meet u .. sorry to be sick the last 2 days :/
I really appreciate it.


Oscar is a nice guy! I had no problems in taking him to my place. While staying in the flat he remained calm and quiet, and on the streets we hanged out happily and all the girls were for him!) Take care, man, and good luck)

Tobac and vicka were incredible hosts—one of my best Couchsurfing experiences yet. They shared many stories about their travels and about everyday life in samara. We hung out with their friends and did lots of interesting exploring around the city. They shared great meals and were always ready with a cup of tea :) Having them as hosts was the highlight of my trip to Russia. I hope to see you two again!

Well yeah, it was great! That's great you've decided to write me on CS)
Kate and Corey, our lovely friends, visited Samara for World Cup. We don't care about this World Cup! With Kate and Corey we solved the problem of expressing the main ideas, made the next step of evolutionary development and connected through rediska — radio operator woman! You're really nishtyak, folks, everybody of my friends (the same as me, konechno) feeling lonely after your departure!
Chicago is so far, but Leipzig is much closer, so be ready for our visit to you) Thank you for the best experience!

Vasudev . (❤️ host a CS) 26 February 2018

Alex is a friendly conversationalist without any attitude... He has travelled many countries and got lots of information to share. I am happy to know that he got positive views about India and are familiar with few places which even I did not know.

Hope to meet you again, brother.

Vasu is very kind and nice guy! He was the first to reply and help me in Chennai. He told about different local things and was really interesting. Thank you very much, my friend, and gonna to see you again in November, I hope! Good luck!

I met Lesha in gathering of hitch-hikers in Derbent. Then also travelled with him to Baku. He is a very nice and interesting and responsible guy. Would be happy to meet him again.

Lesnaya is good and pozitively person.In a short time we talked about many things.He has a very nice accent.He is honest and sympathetic.I hope he will have enough time for future comes to again in here.everyting is be with your heart nice man :))

Huseyin is a great person! I was arriving late in the evening and even didn't have the phone for communication, but he managed to find me and take to the city. After that we had enjoyful time in Antep, even i stayed for a couple of hours more because of Huseyin's kindness and politeness) He is a very interesting person, learning a number of languages and also trying to open the new world for him. I hope that your business in Russia will be a success, and feel free to write me about any stuff. Thank you very much, Antep remains nice in my memory) Good luck!

Unfortunately we didn't get to hang out much, but Lesnaya was a nice guy.

Vinoo is a great person! He was the only one to help us in Tbilisi. He and his friends from India are very thoughtful and self-developed, it was a pleasure to meet and talk with them! Even it was 6 of couchsurfers in their flat, it was no problem for anybody to take a place and feel very comfortable. Also, Vinno cooked rice for all of us, it was really nice! Thank you very much, guys, Georgia was great with your help!

Lesnaya stayed with my brother in Tabriz, but seemingly I missed the opportunity to host him myself in Tehran as he is a very cool guy. I will make sure next time you are around, I will miss the chance to host you myself in my city. Best of luck man.

Thank you very much, Arman, for your brother in Tabriz! It was my last city in Iran, and meeting your bro was the best way of finishing Iran trip) Wish your tourist agency a success, and good luck to you and your family!

From the moment you come home, it follows the rules of your home. He is very polite and understanding. I have not had any problems and insisted that I stay for one more night. hit the road comrade!

Ömer is a great guy! He is really easy to deal, he know the rules and doing a lot of right things. Wish your Europe to be an unforgettable experience, and hope to meet you anywhere again) Polyushko-polye is waiting for you!

Alex Lesnaya is very kindly and clever boy!
Im very happy to meet Alex!🌹✌🏻✌🏻😉😉😅

Mohsen and his friends are the best in Bandar Abbas! I'm extremely happy to meet them. We've spent great time in Hormoz and the city, inhabitat island was really unforgettable! You're always welcome in Russia, and hope to meet again all of you! Take care, dudes!

He's nice guy & really hardworking in his career and life.
He can tell you so many interesting things from russia.
Hes polite and fun . My family and i had great time with him .

Arashk and his family are great people! They helped me to get the culture of Iran and to clear a lot of conditions about this interesting country. Also, we had very thoughtful talks with Arashk and his father, this people are totally worth meeting) Thank you very much, and always welcome in Russia!

Alex is a lovely guy. I hosted him 2 nights at my place. He's knowledgeable and friendly. I had some great moments with him. We talked about different issues like Balochestan and Russian cultures and languages. I took him to different places for sightseeing. He participated in my English classes as well. I do recommend him to all other CS members to share their time wish such a great person.

Dear Alex thanks for your nice postcard.
I hope to meet you soon in Samara or Here.
Wish you a very safe and amazing trip.

My great reverence to Hafez! Baluchestan remains perfect in my mind because of you and you hospitality. Everything was awesome, from mangos to bike races) Especially motshakeram for taking apart in my new clothing! I'm waiting for you in Russia, Samara is not really far from Chechnya and you need visiting my lovely place) Thank you very much, Hafez, and good luck!

Soon. good men

Good boy .friendly,recommend

Thank You for the help, Tavana, you're a great man!

Very interesting, kind person, with a sense of humor!

He is very kind and friendly understandable person)

Theadore is a great guy! Even since I had some communication problems, we managed to find each other and hanged out very interesting. It was a pleasure to talk with you about many different themes. If some day you're going to start learning russian, come to Samara and I'll help you with intense training) Good luck!

Alex is a very tactful person. He couldn't leave the city for a long time, but he kept in touch and informed about his plans)
Have a nice trip! I'll be glad to meet.

Nice person!

Алексей интересный человек с кем действительно хочется общаться без остановки. Он рассказал нам веселые истории из своих путешествий.

Когда мы увидели его квартиру в центре города Самары, то были приятно удивлены. Необычный дизайн где есть даже дорожные светофоры!

Мы очень рады этому знакомству ! Будем рады увидеться снова !


Alexey is an interesting person who really wants to talk without stopping. He told us funny stories from his travels.

When we saw his apartment in the center of Samara, they were pleasantly surprised. Unusual design where there are even traffic lights!

We are very pleased with this acquaintance! We will be glad to see you again!

Very funny folks you're! You know the world in specific way, and get the extraordinatiry of our life on this planet) Best wishes, and maybe see you later at any place on the Earth!

Общительный весёлый целеустремленный

Thank you very much, Valentin! You were the only person in Syktyvkar on CS to help me, so I reaaly appreciate it! I hope your plans are gonna be true, so wish you a good luck on your way. And you can also come to Samara any time)

Alexey is a very interesting person, I felt at home when he took shelter. Thank you very much. I wish you a grandiose journey, more bright people on the road and a lot of luck

Zhenya is a very easy guy, he's wandering around our world and cathcing the conception of it! Wish you a good luck on your way, and maybe see you later somewhere)

There's a lot of verified open-minded yawns in cs community, however, he's not. He's a real adventurer and the right person to show you around or to host, don't miss your opportunity.

У Долины замечательный уютный домик и огромный запас интересных историй, за три дня что гостил у него узнал много нового и вообще офигенно провел время. Всячески рекомендую, отличнейший хост и, уверен, гость. Удачи во всем, чуви, одевайся тепло в лес и избегай бугурта!

Dima and Yagoda are very friendly folks! It was really easy to find things in common, because Dima is doing some serious stuff and knows a lot about the construction of our world. The weather was great in Samara, and we had a chance to see some unusual things — even 32 800 steps per day! Lucky you are, it's gonna rain and storm in a few days)
You're always welcome at our little place, and, maybe, fate is going to make us meet some day again! Good luck folks!

Спасибо, Алексею и Вике, ребята позволили остатся на больший срок, доверили ключи от квартиры. Ребята очень интересные в общении, талантливы. Домик у вас очень уютный, единственное я уехал не попрощавшись как следует, но я надеюсь это наша не последняя встреча. Всем рекомендую.

It was really exciting to host Berik at my place! He is very knowledgeable, doing his science work, as well as I. I'm very interested in history, especially for the countries I've visited, and Berik told me some new info about Kazakhstan and my native Russia. You gonna spent really good time if you're lucky enough to host Berik! And wish you a good way in your life, dude)

Всегда приятно принять в гостях интересного воспитанного человека!
Хороших путешествий, да и вообще все го самого самого хорошего!)

It was really chilly and easy to spent time in Yoshka) Wide knowledge and uncommon understanding makes Andrew interesting for every kind of person. Very-very great thanks to you!
Also chickens and kitties and other fauna staff is really nice)

Благодаря путешествиям часто знакомишься с удивительными людьми, само существование которых пропитано чем-то особенным. Он словно хранят жемчуг в своих ракушках в отличие от других моллюсков, кишащих в городском океане. Так вот Лесная долина и его подруга оказались как раз такими перламутровыми представителями. Мне было очень приятно познакомиться с ними, вместе прогуляться по городу, сходить на какой-то концик и, главное, пообщаться. Плюсом живут они в дико крутом доме, который прям вообще по мне. Надеюсь снова встретиться с ними или даже попутешествовать вместе.

Leva is a very interesting guy! We had a rather metaphysic talk during our only evening together. On your way back I probably could tell you more about our places here. And you're always welcome at my home!
And I really interested in the stuff you're writing) It would be nice to check it in the net!

skab (❌ friend a CS) 15 January 2017

He is irresponsible guest.

Данный пользователь оставил мне запрос, на который я ответил, что могу принять, а так же указал контакты для связи. В течение дня мы ожидали, что он напишет, или позвонит, и расскажет о своих дальнейших планах. Но этого не случилось. Тем не менее он несколько раз был онлайн на CS и не сообщил, что его планы изменились и он не приедет. Имейте это ввиду, принимая данного товарища.

Alexei and his friend was nice guests, with interesting stories. Wish good luck in travels.

It was really cool to find Artem in Chisinau! We planned just to pass through the city, but hanged in for three days because of unexpected customs reasons, and Artem was always eager to help us) He shown some interesting places in the city — Art-labyrinth, for example. Due to Artem's help. Moldova remains great and cosy in my memory, thank you very much! And the fridge says something, you're always welcome)

The guys had arrived when they told they were going to, and they were punctual during their stay, which is something you don't necessarily expect when it comes to traveling, but still is always nice. I couldn't hang out with them and show them around, but they were self-sufficient and did alright on their own.
I would host them again, if they are to visit my country again for some mysterious reason, and if I don't live on the streets by that time.

Thank you, man, we really had a chill time in Brest. There were no open-minded losers, just the whole truth, Letov and hardcore. Wish you to gain a little money and trip around your beautiful places. Welcome to Samara anytime! Good luck)

Алексей и его друзья хорошие путешественники, так как они стремятся узнать места и традиции и уважают их.
Очень умные и интересные люди, рад был видеть и надеюсь увидеть в будущем.

Aleksey and his friends is very good travelers because they are committed to getting to know traditions, and respects them in every aspects.
They are very clever and interesting guys, I was glad to meet with they and hope that I will see them at future.

P.S. А про мандарины забыли ;)...
Вut forgot about mandarins...

Спасибо Вам огромное, Андрей! Мы очень рады, что так повезло оказаться в вашей дружной семье! Всё было по высшему разряду, я даже дома себя так комфортно не чувствую) Передавайте благодарностей жене и отличных оценок дочке. Всех благ!)

Alexey, Vika and Alexey (seriously!) are awesome guys! They are very friendly, talkative and adventurous and it was really easy to get along with them. We had nice time making a small night tour in the center of the city and after that drank tea with interesting conversations about everything.
Guys, wait you again for more productive excursion!

It was really great to meet Sonya in Smolensk! We arrived rather late in the evening, but managed to watch all the sights of the city, because Sonya lives in the very center and eager to hang around with us) Smolensk remains very cosy in my mind, thank you very much!

По требованию сайта (написать рецензию) подписываюсь под каждым своим словом в уже написанной рецензии в разделе personal.

It was a really exciting evening, when Sergey has come! He is very thougthful in some things, and we both had won the metaphysical brain-ring against two esoteric persons. Also Sergey is very easy on charge, beer rush was rather funny too) We have great plans for the next Serega's arrival in Samara!
See you soon!)

Alex is very interesting and sociable man. With him it was very comfortable to spend time.
Good luck to you on your way!

Очень хороший парень, мне понравилось гостить у Лесной длины, благодаря Лесной долине я увидел изнутри Сам ГТУ университет, узнал много интересного о городё Я узнал интересного про Монголию, об эксперемнтальной музыке. Я счсчастлив что с Лесным я лично знаком.
Very cool

Alex was very easy to communicate! For two days, that he have spent in Samara, we were hanging out in my university and were full of some science. I hope, Alex have learnt some new stuff a lot) Thank you for making clear about some belorussian places! Have a nice trip!

I had a good time with. I really thanked for your helps, we have digged out lots of patatoes that was so big help for me if you had not be with me it would have taken for 2 days :-b

It was a great time in UB with Erdene! He was the only person to help me in Ulaanbaatar, and that's really awesome that we have met. Even when I was too late and too sick, Erdene was eager to help me. We have found a lot of things in common — from electronic engineering to potato digging and eating) Erdene is really an impressive guy, and the secret room downstairs is very cool! Thank you very much, and give greetings to your parents)

Алексей очень позитивный, открытый парень, оставался у меня на три ночи. рассказал много интересного, участвовал в домашних работах, предлагал даже помощь в строительных работах, которые у нас ведутся за городом. Мы отлично провели вечера за беседами, настольными играми с моими друзьями и другими путешественниками, посмотрели фейерверк по случаю Дня города. Леша быстро находит общий язык с другими людьми и отлично себя чувствует в любой компании. За эти три вечера он познакомился с другими каучами, моими коллегами по работе и моими друзьями и даже побывал в гостях у моих друзей ;-))) Крайне рекомендую Алексея как классного гостя!

it was a real pleasure to stay at Alexander! I was gong just to pass the city, but left for three nights. Alexander knows many interesting spots of the city and always have some things to entertain!) we were playing lots of table games and spent a great time! it was the best way to come to Ulan-Ude, thank you very much)

We host Lesnaya Долина in July 2016 in Vladimir. Lescha very nice and friendly guy . He has a lot of interesting stories . We had a great talk with him and his brother . By the way, he says, and shows that the brother is hitchhiking . It s cool!

Grisha was very easy to communicate and to surf, and his flat was not very easy for us to find) It was very OK that our dates had been changed for a couple of times - Grisha could help us at every case. He and Yulya held friendship atmosphere at home, so it was very pleasant to take a relax at their place. Thank you, folks!

Хостил Лёшу и его брата Мишу одну ночь, к сожалению квартира моя на этот момент была в стадии глубокого ремонта и никаких удобств я предложить ребятам не мог, но их это особо и не парило. Мы с Лёшей сходу нашли общий язык, вежливый и воспитанный парень, дома предлагал помощь по ремонту, ну и вообще показал себя идеальным гостем)

Denis is a very good guy, and his sociability made me not being afraid of his underconstructed flat) In the nearest future his place is going to be a lovely couch, and Denis is able to tell about many insteresting places in Arkhangelsk and outside it. So I'm feeling really lucky that had a chance to meet you! Arkhangelsk is a very distant city from me, so I hope we are going to meet again in some boondocks like Ulyanovsk or Samara) Great thanks for you, Denis and Nastya!

Alex is very interesting and sociable young man. With him it was very comfortable to spend time. Can support conversation on any theme =) Good luck to you on your way!

It was a real pleasure to be meet Denis and Nastya at their place! They are both full of friendliness and fascinating experience. We were talking for hours about diffenert places in the world and many other actual things — without any doubt, they are among the best people in Kirov) Their cottage is outside the city, so it's a beautiful and perfect place for chilling after a long way. Thank you very much, folks, due to your help Kirov remains a nice place in my memory. Great to see you again anytime!

The guys were cool) we had not much time together, but I would probably host em again. They r very interesting to chat with)

Dima is a very nine guy! He was the first to reply and the most easy to go. We were exchanging our trip experiences about India and Central Asia. Indian food is stomach-exploding! We've stopped only for a night at Dima's, but we relaxed great after a long way and continued our trip totally charged. I really appreciate your help, thank you!

I was hosted by Alexey in Samara for 2 days. He is an open-minded and talkative person who has lots of interesting stories about travellings. Whereever you met him, you would never be boring! Strongly recommend him for anyone!

Kirill is a nice guy, with his own point of view and interesting stories. I was hosting Kirill in Samara and for two days we were talking about legacy, science, old architecture and lots of other things. I'm going to hardly recommend Kirill for anyone, who can meet him anytime.

Леша - один из самых интересных людей, которых я знаю. Человек с огромным запасом офигительных историй, хорошим чувством юмора и жаждой исследовать новое. Находит выход из любой ситуации :) Если вам когда-либо доведется познакомиться или путешествовать с ним, будьте уверены - вы не пожалеете об этом)

Аня нормальнейший человек, многого в своей жизни повидала, многому может научить и многим готова помочь! Не опускает руки даже в экстремальных ситуациях, находясь за три тысячи километров от дома! Кем бы вы ни были, знакомство с Аней пропускать не стоит. Такие вот пироги, всем добра.

My reference comes also a bit late (2 years ^_^...) But I hosted Ale and his friends for some days and it was soooo good experience to cook Russian Pelmenis with them, never forget! They we're really chill and helpful during their stay, easy and funny to host. If you lost your hat one day, write me and I'll send you a new one!

Dude, I've found you! I'm Alex from Russia, you've hosted me and Ann for a year ago, don't you remember me? I was in the parallel universe, there is no wifi, so had no ability to write you) The Pelmeni and the jin party is the best way to spent my time in Helsinki. If i'm in Finland again, you gonna be the first to know about it. And have a good luck!
P.S. I keep the silly hat in the best way)

Останавливался у Александры с друзьями втроём. Несмотря на такую большую компанию и новогодние праздники, Александра не отказала и даже скорее наоборот! Сразу наметили план совместных покатушек, с чем Александра очень помогла. В городе также провела самую полнейшую экскурсию на целый день, за что тоже очень благодарен! Истинно ценю чужое время, поскольку сам нечасто могу провести его со своими гостями. Очень приятно и комфортно пожили у Александры два дня, по вечерам с просмотром фильмов, играми (и другим!). Выражаю огромное спасибо от себя и своих друзей, и с удовольствием сам буду полезен при возможности!

It was a very short stay this time) The guys have told me that they are bike travelers, and it was my honor to help them on their trip.
As soon as they have arrived, we realized the license plate was lost on the highway. But guys haven’t been set down and quickly motivated to solve the problem.

I haven’t been hosting them actually because of the cat allergy (occasionally discovered🤡), but they were good and respectful guests at my place. I wish them a good luck on the road, and safety at all!

Ilya was the first to ask a couch at my place in Samara – but I had to refuse him because of my trip unfortunately!
Just after a month, it was my turn to have a visit to his city – Kaliningrad – and I found Ilya there occasionally! Without any doubts, Ilya accepted me and my gf in a second.

It turned out that Ilya is extremely cheerful and easy guy. He is into bicycling and knows pretty much about the city and its region (which is worth seeing 100%). We had a stop at his really old-style scenic neighborhood – hurry up until he will move further!

In the communication Ilya is super-easy – jokes and earnesty goes at the proper time (and space). Funny life stories are also following the chat of course.

It was my fault to be out of my place to host Ilya – but I'm super-lucky to meet him finally! 5 stars, my friend, thank you for been so nice! See you

I've met Mark on a great 'Home for every traveler' event in Egypt. It was a house, full of travelers, hitchhikers, foreigners and locals of all kinds. Tons of people buzzed busy everyday moving around the whole country, but Mark stood special among them and was really easy to get with each. We made friends truly easy, so he is definitely 'an easygoing person' (lots of couchsurfers like to use this word unreasonably haha)!

Mark is a super skilled backpacker, he understands the nomadic lifestyle and the basic principle of common living (sharing, thanksgiving, etc.). Everybody is strongly welcome to meet Mark, both in Belarus and any other place in the world! I'm happy to meet you, mate, take care of yourself and Aina!

I have met Captain Ashraf while a short parking of his enormous Nile Voyager between everyday river exploration. I was so lucky to stay on the Voyager! The first day I’ve met all the friends-sailors together, and on the next day I took a voyage with me and my friends.

Captain Ash knows how to sail! In a short trip we have met tons of adventures. At the same time, Ashraf made us super cozy and comfortable. He is a very knowledgeable man as well, and lives a free life surely. In summer you can also be hosted on the boat, lucky you are! He is definitely the proper person to meet in Luxor — you will love your experience forever.

Thanks, my friend, and see you inshalla!

Павел — человек неординарный. Он приезжал в Самару дать выступление, и в итоге по счастливой случайности выступал у меня на импровизированном квартирнике. Был очень рад ему помочь, и с удовольствием сделаю это снова! Всем рекомендую.

Я Въехал в Камчатку и по счастливой случайности оказался в квартире с Пашей. Он там выживал всю зиму с переменным успехом, но, однозначно, ему это нравилось! Сейчас двигается дальше, чему я очень рад. С радостью бы пересекся где-нибудь ещё и даже вписал бы у себя в Самаре;) Грациас!

Гулял по Абхазии с Мишаней, гулял далеко и плотно. Гуляет он хорошо, уверенно 😏

Кого я вижу! Приезжал на Камчатку, случайно оказался под одной с ним крышей.

Парняга быстрый и угарный, хотел было пешком с Камчатки выйти — пока не удалось, но попытки не оставлены.

Предпочёл бы также неожиданно встретиться вновь!

I’ve met Nikita in a very special place in Abkhazia in a abandoned city of miners called Tkuarchal. Since the place is so special, it attracts special people!

Nikita is wise and noble in his life route. Both lightweight and deep conversations are easy to go with him. We’ve celebrated new year together in a big bunch of other travelers, And that was truly a nice experience.

Nikita’s a good fellow, I honestly wish him luck and fun on the way! Cheers!

Очень рад знакомству с Иваном! Мы попали к нему не случайно — рекомендовали его предыдущие гости из Екб Никита и Аня. И как же нам повезло, что Ваня был в городе и согласился с первого же слова)

У Вани квартира расположена в красивом горном районе, в ней очень тепло и комфортно — буквально пять звёзд! С Ваней очень легко идти на контакт, человек он смышлёный и разумный, и каждая реплика может быть чрезвычайно ценна для собеседника — надо лишь верно её интерпретировать)

Единственный минус — мы заехали всего на один день, чего было бесконечно мало для того, чтобы узнать этого прекрасного человека) В следующий раз в Сочи я обязательно проверю, на месте ли Ваня — и надеюсь, что удача подвернётся мне вновь! Вань, и заезжай в Самару, обтяпаю всё в лучшем виде для тебя😎

Вписывался со своей дамой у Геогрия буквально за пару дней до Григория — 28 декабря 2020. Отличный товарищ! Без всяких лишних соплей, правил и прочего — человек сразу и всегда готов помочь, и в итоге Жора был единственным из Сочи и Адлера, кто ответил и согласился приютить.

Условия вполне себе удобные, район живописный, да и море недалеко! С Жорой супер-легко, парень он скоростной, и я буду очень рад вновь с ним встретиться!

I’m grateful for the fate that I’ve found Ann! Finding a host in Berlin during the summer vacations is near to impossible, but Ann got into my situation and help me even while she was so busy. The flat is super cozy and chilly, and there’s no better place in Kreuzberg (or Neukölln already? Never mind).
Thank you, Ann, for making my Berlin time better!

Andreas is an extremely curious guy and has the idea of lots of interesting places and special experience! We're both working at a university and having our PhD, but his one way of doing this is much nicer! The flat is full of different stuff from Africa, and Andreas can tell the things about Masai who nobody else knows.
While being at Hannover Messe, I felt that with attending the fair and living in a hotel I'm missing the atmosphere of real hannoverian life, and Andreas helped me to catch this one feeling back) Thank you, my friend, keep moving your great way, and you're very welcome to Russia to write your doctoral thesis about some Russian Chukchi or Nenci. I'm sure you're exploring the world in the best way) Good luck!

Masha is the greatest person I know! We met six years ago already, and since 2k km are dividing us, we're meeting each other frequently in my city, in her lovely Minsk or any other place.
She's always fond of guests and gonna make her best to manage everything in an awesome way. I had spent two nice New Year's in Minsk, and the last one was full of delicious cakes, salads and even funny competitions! So you gonna definitely enjoy your time with Masha.
And she's also a skilled hitchhiker and knows the rules of tripping.
Wish you all the best, Masha, and thanks the Universe that it made us to know each other!

Joel, my lovely friend!
I've spent the whole month with this awesome guy while studying in India. We were taking some crazy routes there, hitchiking to Auroville, riding a scooter, and studying, of course, learning hard! By the way, Joel is a skilled engineer and does his specialization very good.
Anyone gonna definitely find lots of interesting things and gonna spent amazing time with Joel! 100% approval for my peruvian mate)
Cheers, buddy! See you in Barcelona with Amine)

Thank you, Max, you're a great guy!
Max really accepted us even when he had hard working day. He is so easy to go, very polite and curious! He showed his hospitality in the best way with making some teas, arranging softies for sleeping and giving basic studies in German (das ist nicht schwer). I was feeling really great in Dresden, and Max is the main reason for this)
Thank you again for your time! I'm definitely sure we need to meet again - I hope I'll manage your time to travel more) Good luck, buddy, the best for you and your kitties!

Liran is a great and delightful guy! Unfortunately, I hadn't a chance to stay at his tremendous place, but we have met in the city, walked a little and spent a nice time. He is doing great stuff about giving the clothes for free and planting an amazing park in a public place. He's also very welcomed guy and happy to meet guests, so you surely need to meet Liran in Eilat!
Thank you, my friend!

Nadia is definitely a great person! She offered me a place to stay, gave me lots of tips about Nablus and Palestine, always was in touch and everything was so comfortable! Thank you so much for this, I'm so excited to have friends in Palestine like you)

Grigoriy is a big and nice guy actually! We've got in a number of crazy situations with him, and we're still alive after this! Making friends with him ives my life a degree of mindblasting (1%), and this is the main reason for everybody to meet him also)
I thank everybody in advance for hosting Grigoriy, I prove that you will definitely rave the time with him!

Ilya is an extremely nice guy! We have lots of things incommon, so it was really easy to get the idea of each other. Ilya was very curious about Samara's exploration, and has so much power for moving. When people are full of energy, they can share the energy with everybody, and this is the main reason for meeting Ilya! I definitely sure I'm going to meet Ilya again, whereever it might happen) The best wishes for you, buddy!

Jing is a very nice guy! He accepted the request quickly and also was in touch during my whole trip. Unfortunately, i hadn't a chance to meet him, but anyone needs to do it without any doubt! Good luck to you, man, and let me know if you gonna have some plans for Russia)

Ken is a real world citizen! He's doing very good in terms of making our lives better and improving the society. Thank you, Ken, and the best wishes on your way!

Hey, Tahla, thank you for the help! Hope to see you in Turkey. and you're always welcome to Russia of course)

Hey, Mevlut, thank you for your help! Wish you the best, and you're always welcome to Russia)

Thank you, Sevii, for the help! Merzifon was a nice place to me since then) Take care of you, and hope to see you some time in the future!

Salam aleikum!
Maybe, Irina has already forgotten me, but for an year ago we've met in a very funny situation in Chisinau, where we were taking the same host. The situation was very uncomfortable and full of politics, but meeting Irina and discussing the ongoing life and other positive topics was really nice) I hope you're livin well and have no problems, and good luck!

Hasan is the greatest man! Even he was working until very late, he managed to catch us in the city, to meet with his friends and to tell a lot about Turkey. Also the breakfast was very nice, we really needed that stuff because we were going to the mountains. Thanks to you and Mehmets, and I wish you a great time in Russia. You're always welcome!

Mobin is a very good man, thank you for your help in Tabriz, and also you're always welcome in Russia at my place! Hope to see you, and good luck!)

Radin is the best guy in Shiraz! Unfortunately, my hitchhiking was unsuccessful to get to Shiraz, but Radin was always ready to help me, even he moved to the city because of hosting me! I really hope to meet you in the future, and wish you good luck. And thank you for everything)

I hanged out really great with Katya! She has a very nice bike and a lot of things incommon, so I find very interesting to stay in Katya's place) I had only one night in Astrahan, but hope the fate gonna meet us somewhere else one day. Thank you very much!

Yo, this guy is really awesome! A bunch of visited countries and unlimited number of exciting stories is what Boris is rich with. Wish you good luck with your China experience, a reaching all the goals! Nutter tools!

Thank you very much, Ruslan! Even in difficult situation, when we was on our way and had no place to go in Odessa, Ruslan was ready to help and contacted us. However, angry border control didn't allow us to cross the border for two days in a row, and we hadn't got a chance to impress with Odessa and meet Ruslan there.
Anyway, when I'm in Ukraine again, I'm going to keep in touch with Rus without any doubt!
And you're always welcome in Samara, you know) Good luck!

Сергей — первый человек на этом сайте, который не стал придумывать отмазки в стиле 'нет отзывов' или 'нет галочки', а просто взял и помог. Вологда — очень красивый город, и я безмерно рад, что нашёлся Сергей и не пришлось оставаться на улице.
Всё было просто отлично, а потому всем обязательно рекомендую!